The Impact of Owntrship Structure on Corporate Performance in Saudi Arabia: Addttional Evidence

Arabia: Addttional Evidence


  • Khaled Salmen Aljaaidi


ownership structure, corporate performance, Saudi Arabia


This study aims at investigating the associations of family ownership and domestic corporate ownership with corporate performance among listed companies in Saudi Arabia in 2013. The final sample in this study consists of 117 companies. The OLS regression shows that domestic corporate ownership is associated positively with corporate value. Further, the results of this study exhibit that there is no relationship reported between family ownership and corporate value in the context of Saudi Arabia. The results of this study are of importance to policy-makers at the country and company levels in terms of issues related to corporate value. Further, the additional empirical evidence provided by this study could be used by the future research to understand more about corporate performance issues in Saudi Arabia in particular and in other Arab countries in general.


