Translation Problems Encounters by Students of English in the Faculty of Arts/ the University of Jordan


  • Najla Abdullah Ateeg Hadhramout University - Women's College - English Department Hadhramout – Yemen


This study aims at investigating some of the problems that students at the Department of English Language and Literature in the University of Jordan might face when translating Arabic texts into English. These problems included: translating culture-bound expressions, translating fixed expressions such as collocations and idioms, and translating emotive expressions. Moreover, the study aims at finding out some suggested solutions to overcome these problems.

The population of the study consists of all the students (42) in the fourth level at the Department of English Language and Literature. The sample of the study is selected through using the systematic random sample. The tool of the study (the translation test) is distributed among students using odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9…etc) until 20 students got the translation test, i.e., the sample consists of 20 students.

The translation test consists of four sections. It is constructed according to the problems of the study. Each problem is represented by giving four items. Each item is given along with four translation choices. Besides, a space is left for the students to give their own translation if they do not agree with the suggested translations.

  The study concluded that the students face problems when translating from Arabic into English, especially in the problems the study proposed. The study came up with some suggested solutions which the students might resort to when facing these problems.


