Evaluating Students' Final Examination in Translation


  • Adel Salem Bahameed Hadhramout University of Science and Technology, Hadhramout, Yemen.


Evaluating students' translations, method, translation quality, Translation errors


Teachers of translation often find themselves in suspense about how to evaluate the students' translation exams. This paper is an attempt to guide the teachers about how evaluation process should be and it highlights the effectiveness and suitability of using the error analysis method of evaluation. This method was applied to the correction of a third-year translation final exam containing different texts to be translated from English into Arabic and vice versa. It was done by 36 female students at the Faculty of Women – Seiyun, Yemen. The hypothesis regarding the suitability and effectiveness of using this evaluation error analysis method has been verified. This study concluded that the main factor which is clearly identifiable in the study results was translation competence.


