The Assessment of knowledge of pharmacies and drug stores workers toward dengue and its management at Al-Mukalla district – Hadhramout-Yemen


  • Dr. Haddad Salim Al-Hebshi
  • Dr. Noman Ahmed Al-hatemi
  • Dr. Omar Abdullah Bamaga


Dengue disease, Drug stores, Management Pharmacies, Workers


Dengue fever (DF) is a mosquito borne disease that has spread rapidly in Al-Mukalla city in the last ten years, so a necessary requirement is to analyze the knowledge of healthcare providers, including pharmacists, toward dengue management and control in the country. This paper aims to assess the knowledge of pharmacies and drug store workers toward dengue management at Al-Mukalla district. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 384 pharmacies and drug store workers in Al-Mukalla district in 2020. A random sampling method was used to select the pharmacies and drug stores and data was collected by using pretest questionnaires. All statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS software, version 24. A total of 384 workers of pharmacies and drug stores, were enrolled. 361 were male (94%), and 23 were female (6%). The pharmacy diploma was the most qualified of the participants (58.1%). The majority of participants had 1–5 years’ experience (45.3%). The result showed that most workers of pharmacies and drug stores had knowledge of dengue fever disease (82.1%). Medical consultation was the most common choice of participation regarding dealing with warning signs of dengue fever (red spots or patches on the skin (59.1%) , nasal or gingival bleeding(66.9%), vaginal bleeding(74.2%), hematemesis (72.7%), and severe abdominal pain (46.4% ). The larger proportion of participants did not have knowledge of the WHO clinical management of dengue guideline (75.5%). This study showed that more than half of pharmacies and drug stores workers had knowledge toward management of dengue fever (57 %). This study revealed that the knowledge of pharmacy and drug store workers in Al-Mukalla district toward dengue fever management was not satisfactory. This result highlights the need for extensive scientific programs to increase the knowledge of pharmacies and drug store workers toward dengue management so this gap will be plugged.


