Signing Up the Construction Works for Family Medicine Center Expansion


In the presence of Dr. Mohammed Saeed Khanbesh, HU president, construction work was delivered and implementation was signed between Hadhramout University and the Bayader Engineering Office to expand the Centre. He said that he was pleased with the signing and the delivery of the plans to the implementing agency in order to reconcile its tasks and actions, where the Expansion will be carried out through the construction of an emergency section, clinics, pharmacies and other facilities.
The Convention was signed by the University Engineer Hadi Mansour, and the executor by the Engineer Abdullah Salem Batrafi.
Eng. Abdullah Ahmed Salem Batrfi, Director General of the Bayader Engineering Center, said: we look forward to greater cooperation and further work with Hadhramaut University . “We have developed designs and façades that will be a qualitative shift, add an aesthetic to the center, and add a picture to his service stock that has become admired by visitors and onlookers.” he added.
The signing was attended by Prof. Abdullah Hussein Al-Jafri, Director of the University Consulting Center, Prof. Salem Rabie Bazar, Dean of College Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology College , and Mr. Abdul Rahman Bashaib, Executive Director of the Center.