Arts and Humanities Faculty


Latest News


In The Presence of The Arts and Humanities ...

Prof. Mohammed Awadh Barshead, Arts and Humanities Faculty Dean of The UH described a research discussion of the Bacclarius campaign ...
May 15, 2024Faculty News

Signs A Cooperation Agreement between Arts and Humanities ...

In the attended of Prof. Adel Al-Abadi, The Acting president of Aden University, prof. Wahib Mahdi Fadl Aziban, Dean of ...
January 3, 2024Faculty News

Arts and Humanities Faculty Announces Contracting Opportunity in ...

The Arts and Humanities Faculty at Hadhramout University announced a contracting opportunity for lecturers with expertise in English. Those interested ...
September 28, 2023Faculty News

Arts and Humanities Faculty Announces Contracting Opportunity in ...

The Arts and Humanities Faculty at Hadhramout University announced a contracting opportunity for lecturers with expertise in Media. Those interested ...
September 28, 2023Faculty News

Activation of the Framework Agreement Between the Political ...

Professors from Cairo University and Hadhramout University emphasized the importance of enhancing cooperation between the two universities to develop the ...
September 21, 2023Faculty News

Conclusion of the Political Science Course Description Workshop

The Political Science Course Description Workshop concluded in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. It was organized by the Arts and Humanities ...
September 21, 2023Faculty News

Faculty Events


Faculty Activities


Faculty Partnerships
