HU President honors the medical and health cadre of the Family Medicine Center in the closing and honorable ceremony /2020


Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khanbesh, President of the University, Professor Abdullah Alawi Aideed, Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Afaf Al-Shadadli, Director-General of the Centre for Family Medicine, and Prof. Abdurrahman, Deputy-Director of the Centre, honored the Centre’s medical and health personnel and staff, handed over their discretionary degrees and financial incentives in recognition of their role in the improvement and development of the Centre. the Centre for Family Medicine honored University of Hadhramaut President Prof. Mohammad Saeed Khanbesh with a memorial shield for his support of the Centre, as well as the Director-General of the Centre with a shield from the Department.

Dr. Afaf Al-Shaadli, Director-General of the Centre for Family Medicine, noted that the Centre had made great achievements as one of the pilot centers in Hadhramaut, thanks to the efforts of medical and health personnel and staff to reach this stage, and expressed her thanks and appreciation to the President of the University of Hadhramaut for his unlimited support to the Centre in all fields.

The ceremony was attended by: Prof. Ahmed Zain Bahmid, Director General of Media at the university, and a group of workers and employees of the Family Medicine Center.