HU President and His Deputies Check on the Progress of Postgraduate Studies Program Admission of the Academic Year 2019-2020


Pro. Mohammed Saeed Khanbash; HU president and Dr. Hadi Salem Alsaban; Acting vice president for postgraduate studies and scientific research checked on the progress of the exams for postgraduate studies (MA) program in the academic year 2019-2020 at Ali Ahmed Bakatheer Hall, university presidency. The students were about 110 male and female students in the specializations (Business Administration, English Language, Sociology, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Physical  Education and Sports , Educational Administration, Family Medicine, Jurisprudence and its Principles).

They visited the examination hall, observing its performance on a regular system, and heard from the students about the process of the admission exams for the postgraduate seats in the faculties of the Hadhramout University, calling on the applicants to exert more efforts to achieve the best scientific results to obtain study seats in the university faculties for the academic year2019-2020.

Dr. Hadi Al-Sabban explained that students who applying for exams are enrolled in 10 master’s course programs according to the aforementioned specializations, noting that this year 2019 for the first time, a master’s course is opened in the open education system in two programs in business administration, jurisprudence and its principle in order to facilitate students to continue their graduate studies from all over the world. He,wished the students taking the exams success. They were accompanied during the visit by: Dr. Yasser Al-Jahwari; Assistant Vice President for poatgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, and Mr. Yasser Ba-Abbad; General Director of the Admission and Registration Department at the postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research