Acting Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Resolution No. (75) In 2017 Regarding the Master’s Thesis Supervisor Appointment of Ms. Aisha Khaled Salem Al-Bakri

  • Based on the Republican decree of Law No. (17) in the year 1995 regarding Yemeni universities and its amendments,
  • The Ministers Council decree No. (40) in the year 2008 regarding the regulation of postgraduate studies in Yemeni universities,
  • The Board meeting minutes of Chemistry Department resolution on: 14/11/2017

  • The Science College council resolution No.(8) on: 14/11/2017
  • The Resolution of postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research council No. (60) in the academic year 2017/2018, on: 23/11/2017


Article (1): Dr. Mohammed Hadi Saeed Al-Douh is appointed as first supervisor and Dr. Wedad Mohammed Al-Heik as second supervisor of Ms. Aisha Khaled Salem Al-Bakri

to the data below:


Scientific Department


 The Previous title of the Thesis in Arabic

The Current title of the Thesis in English

The first Supervisor

The second supervisor

Aisha Khaled Salem Al-Bakri


Organic Chemistry

اصطناع تشخيص ودراسة مضادات الميكروبات الممرضة لبعض المركبات غير المتجانسة خماسية الحلقة المشتقة من صبغات ثنائية الهيدروجين

Synthesis, Characerization and Anti-microbial pathogens Syudies of Some Five Member Heterocyclic Comounds Derived from Diazo Dyes

Dr. Mohammed Hadi Saeed Al-Douh

Dr.  Wedad Mohammed Al-Heik

Article No. (2): The supervision approval shall be enforced from the date of the  scientific department approval.

Article No. (3): This resolution shall be enforced from the date of its issuance and the concerned authorities must approve and implement it.

Article (4): One supervisor is accredited for the student from the financial terms according to the faculty letter No. () dated

 Issued at the University Presidency Office

On 7/12/2017