Faculty Council

Name Job Title Academic Degree Tel. Email
Saeed Salmeen Belafair Faculty Dean Associate Prof. 772766250 d.ssbalafir@gmail.com
Omer Abdullah Mahroos Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research & Head of Physical Education and Sports Department Associate Prof. 770158029 omer.mahroos@gmail.com
Mohammed Hasan Mugaibel Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Associate Prof.
Mohammed Saeed Bin Qadeem Acting Deputy Dean for students Affairs Assistant Prof.
Abdullah Mohammed Bin Ta’lab Head of Educational Sciences Department Associate Prof.
Saeed Mohammed Al Awadi Head of Arabic Language Department Associate Prof.
Amin Abdulqader Hashla Head of Social Sciences Department Assistant Prof.
Saeed Mohammed Ba- wazir Head of Sciences Department Assistant Prof.
Najla Ahmed Al kasadi Head of Computer& Maths. Department Assistant Prof.
Shawqi Ahmed Al Dais Head of Psychological Sciences Department Assistant Prof.
Dr. Murad Mohammed Kanji Chairman of the Faculty Quality Committee Assistant Prof.
Yasser Saeed Ba Hurmez Representative of Staff members union Teacher
Abdullah Ba- Karshoom Head of the Student Union council at the Faculty Student