Faculty Library


The College library was established in 1996. It contains many scientific and methodological references as well as scientific periodicals. Currently, it contains more than (10000) both Arabic and English books and references, in addition to the electronic library which contains many CDs in various scientific fields which serve more than 2500 students. The library consists of two floors. The first floor is for the students and .the second floor is for the teaching staff members

Books and Periodicals of the College :

  1. The approximate number of the available university books and references in the program for borrowing is as follows:
    • Books: 10100 References : 1010 Periodicals: 593
    • Books for borrowing: 9090.
    • a number of academic books as references are (1010) books
  2. Summaries, special books, and a limited number of books available in the library are used as basic sources for learning courses.
  3. The number of the program courses that rely mainly on references and university books is 5 courses.
  4. The number of books, references and periodicals available in Arabic at the College is 1515 books, 151 references, and 89 periodicals.
  5. The number of books, references and periodicals available in other languages (English) is 8585 books, 859 references, and 504 periodicals.
  6. The number of paper journals is 593 and the electronic journals are according to the university’s free subscription.
  7. Additional electronic facilities that are provided by the library are as follows:
  8. The official working hours of the libraries mentioned above (days of the week and daily hours) for students and teaching staff members.
Days Time


8 a.m.

5 a.m.


8 a.m.

5 a.m.


8 a.m.

5 a.m.


8 a.m.

5 a.m.



5 a.m.