Qaudah High School students Visit Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum – Hadramout University


Faculty Media On the morning of Tuesday, 27/2/2023, students of the third year of high school, scientific and literary departments, at Qaudah High School for Boys, made a scientific visit to the Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum – Hadramout University, led by Tr. Abdullah Aida Al-Duqail and Tr. Youssef Bu Jaafar, and the social figure Mr. Anas Saeed Bamatarf. They were received by Eng. Zahir Mubarak Thawban, responsible for media and relations at the faculty. Where Eng. Thawban gave the students an overview of the faulty, its departments, and the admission and study system in it, as it is the nucleus of the university, and the first faculty established on the campus of Faluk , and it is distinguished by its rare and only scientific departments at the level of the Republic, such as the departments of petroleum and chemical engineering. After that, the students were taken on an introductory tour of the faulty buildings, laboratories, and workshops , and they got acquainted with the devices, machines, and parts that work in them, as well as the practical application of the students.At the end of the visit, the students of Qawda High School thanked the Deanship of the faulty for providing the opportunity for this visit.