Chemical Engineering Society organized a three- day course on Crocodile Chemistry which is specifically targeted for first- level students, and other levels as well. The course was presented by Eng. Hasan Omer Bin Qasim.
On the first day, the course covered the identification of the Crocodile Chemistry, its specifications, components, significance to the engineering chemistry students and the steps of downloading and running the program in a computer.
On the second day, a post test was conducted that discussed creativity, thinking and data analysis, speed and accuracy of ready-made virtual experiments, indulgences, interaction, simulation, and artificiality.
On the third day, students concluded the course and got acquainted with the following points:
- Use ready-made virtual experiments.
- Catalyst and rate
- Equilibrium and temperature.
- Reversible reaction
- Making modifications to ready-made virtual experiences in the program and saving them into a folder such as:
- Surface area and rate
- Conducting simple experiments such as:
- Flames tests
- Conducting medium-complicated experiments such as:
- Ammonium reaction with sodium hydroxide
- Conducting experiments to detect:
- Oxygen Gas.
- Hydrogen Gas.
- Methane Gas.
Using tools such as
- Changing focus.
- Changing Volume.
- Changing Mass.
- Changing degree of smoothness and roughness
- Changing Battery voltage.
- Use of burner
- Use of heater
- Use of tap
- Use electric heater and several instruments.
A test was conducted to measure the students’ level of assimilation, understanding, observation and deduction.
At the end of the course Chemical Engineering Society expressed its thanks and appreciation to Eng. Hasan Omer Bin Qasim for his cooperation with the society and for his efforts in holding this course .It also thanked all students participating in the course for their keenness and interest in attending the course.