Acting Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Resolution No. (37) In 2018 Regarding Master’s Thesis Supervisor Appointment of Mr. Abdulhakim Ali Ahmed Al-Shatry

  • After reviewing the Republican decree of Law No. (17) for the year 1995 regarding Yemeni universities and its amendments,
  • The Ministers Council decree No. (40) for the year 2008 regarding the system of higher studies in Yemeni universities,
  • The Board meeting minutes ofBusiness Administration Department on 25/3/2018,

  • The Administrative Sciences College council resolution No. (88) on:30/4/2018,
  • The Resolution of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research council No. (4) for the academic year 2018/2019, on: 22/11/2018.




Article (1): Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Rajab is appointed as the supervisor of Mr. Abdulhakim Ali Ahmed Al-Shatry to the data below:


supervisor Title of the Thesis in Engish Title of the Thesis in Arabic Specialization Scientific Department Name

Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Rajab

The Impact of Strategic Planning on Crises Management : : A Field Study in Hadhramout University     أثر التخطيط الاستراتيجي على ادارة الازمات: “دراسة ميدانية في جامعة حضرموت””  


Business Administration



Business Administration

Abdulhakim Ali Ahmed Al-Shatry


Article No. (2): The thesis preparation period is calculated from the date of the department council approval.


Article No. (3): This resolution shall be enforced from the date of its issuance and the concerned authorities must approve and implement it.


Issued at the University Presidency Office

On26   Rabi I 1440 AH

Corresponding to 4/12/2018