- After reviewing the Republican decree of Law No. (17) for the year 1995 regarding Yemeni universities and its amendments,
- The Ministers Council decree No. (40) for the year 2008 regarding the system of higher studies in Yemeni universities,
- The Board meeting minutes ofIslamic studies Department on 15/11/2018,
- The ArtsCollege council resolution No. (209) on:18/11/2018,
- The Resolution of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research council No. (4) for the academic year 2018/2019, on: 20/12/2018.
Article (1): Dr. Zain Mohammed Al Aidarous is appointed as the supervisor of Mr. Abdullah Salem Omar Bajkhif to the data below:
supervisor | Title of the Thesis in Engish | Title of the Thesis in Arabic | Specialization | Scientific Department | Name |
Dr. Zain Mohammed Al Aidarous |
The Nail AlMaqsood to Explain the Sunan Abu Dawood Auther th Imam of Judge Ali Bin Mohammed Zaken Bahnan Alkendi | نيل المقصود شرح سنن أبي داوود للعلامة القاضي علي بن محمد زاكن باحنان الكندي المتوفي 1391 هـ دراسة و تحقيق, من باب الرجل يجد البلة في منامه الى نهاية باب الاغتسال من الحيض |
Hadith and Sunnah Sciences |
Islamic studies |
Abdullah Salem Omar Bajkhif |
Article No. (2): The thesis preparation period is calculated from the date of the department council approval.
Article No. (3): This resolution shall be enforced from the date of its issuance and the concerned authorities must approve and implement it.
Issued at the University Presidency Office
On23 Rabi II 1440 AH
Corresponding to 30/12/2018