Mukalla Radio Station Highlights the Procedures of Admission and Registration for the New Academic Year 2022-2023 in Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research


Mukalla Radio station hosted Mr.  Anwer Ahmed Ba-Isa, and Mr. Ali Bakran Baziad in the live broadcast program prepared and presented by media colleague Muhammad bin Sheikh Abu Bakr. They are responsible for admission and registration at the  deputyship of postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research at  Hadhramout University.

They discussed the admission and coordination procedures for the academic year 2022-2023. In addition to  the master’s and doctoral courses in the various faculties of the university, the admission terms as well as the mechanism of coordination procedures for applying in all scientific specializations.

Mr. Ali Bakran Baziad spoke about the coordination procedures, registration terms and documents required for registration in the available specialization for the academic year 2022-2023, as well as the new specializations  that were opened this year, in addition to the open education.

Mr. Anwer Ahmed Ba-Isa also provided an overview of the electronic registration via Internet, its importance for students, the method of registration, and explained the sections of the online registration program until the student is delivered the coordination card. He also indicated in his speech the most prominent problems facing students during registration and how to solve them.