Acting Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Resolution No. (64) In 2017 Regarding Master’s Thesis Supervisor Appointment of Mr. Aboud Rabie Aboud Mugram

  • Based on the Republican decree of Law No. (17) in the year 1995 regarding Yemeni universities and its amendments,
  • The Ministers Council decree No. (40) in the year 2008 regarding the regulation of postgraduate studies in Yemeni universities,
  • The Board meeting minutes of Islamic StudiesDepartment resolution No. (42) on: 27/10/2016
  • The Arts College council resolution No.(166) on: 13/8/2017
  • The Resolution of postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research council No. (23) in the academic year 2016/2017, on: 24/8/2017


Article (1): Dr. Abdullah Burk Baltoyor is appointed as supervisor of  Mr. Aboud Rabie Aboud Mugram to the data below:

Name Scientific Department Specialization  The title of the Thesis in Arabic The title of the Thesis in English Supervisor
Aboud Rabie Aboud Mugram Islamic Studies Ideology and Religions أوجه الاتفاق والاختلاف بين عقائد الحوثية والاثنى عشرية – دراسة عقدية مقارنة Similarities and Differences between Hoothism and Twelve Imams Belief Comparative Study Dr. Abdullah Burk Baltoyor

Article No. (2): The supervision approval shall be enforced from the date of the  scientific department approval.

Article No. (3): This resolution shall be enforced from the date of its issuance and the concerned authorities must approve and implement it.

Issued at the University Presidency Office

On 30/8/2017