Acting Vice President of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Resolution No. (16) In 2019 Regarding the Formation of a Discussion Committee for Master’s Thesis of Ms. Ilham Mohammad Salem Al-Diny

  • After reviewing the Republican decree of Law No. (17) for the year 1995 regarding Yemeni universities and its amendments,
  • The Ministers Council decree No. (40) in the year 2008 regarding the regulation of higher studies in Yemeni universities,
  • The Board meeting minutes of Islamic Studies Department on 26/10/2017
  • The Arts College council resolution on:21/1/2019,
  • The Resolution of higher Studies and Scientific Research council No. (41) for the academic year 2018 /2019, on: 28/1/2019



Article (1) : Stated to form a disscution committee of  the scientific master’s thesis, titled     )Research on Faith in Surah Al-Rahman from The Holy Quran – An Ideological Study(, of Ms.  Ilham Mohammad Salem Al-Diny from Islamic Studies Department at Arts College according to the names below :

Job Title Scientific Title Name No.
Supervisor and debater at Hadramout University Associate professor Dr. Abdullah Burk Balthoyor 1
Chairman and Internal debater at  Hadramout University professor Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Al-Khawlani 2
Member and external debater at Aden University Associate professor Dr. Ali Mohammad Talib Majwer 3


Article No. (2): This resolution shall be enforced from the date of its issuance and the concerned authorities , must approve and implement it.


Issued at the University Presidency Office

On  Jamada  II 8, 1440  AH

Corresponding to 14/2/2019