Acting Vice President of Postgraduate Studies & Scientific Research Resolution No. (133) In 2019 Regarding the Formation of a Discussion Committee for Master’s Thesis of Mr. Mohammed Awad Saleh Al-Ajili

  • After reviewing the Republican decree of Law No. (17) in the year 1995 regarding Yemeni universities and its amendments,
  • The Ministers Council decree No. (40) in the year 2008 regarding the regulation of higher studies in Yemeni universities,
  • The Board minutes of Islamic Studies department on 14/11/2019
  • Arts College council resolution on:14/11/2019
  • The Resolution of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research council No. (34) in the academic year 2019 /2020, on: 20/11/2019



Article (1) : Stated to form a discussion committee of  the scientific master’s thesis, titled ) The big five rules and their application of Rawdhat Al-Talibin wa Omdat Al-Muftin by Al- Nawawi – Book of Purity – Pray ) of Mr. S Mohammed Awad Saleh Al-Ajili from Islamic studies  Department at Arts College according to the names below :

Description Scientific Title Name No.
A chairman and Supervisor at Hadhramout University at Professor Prof. Omar Karameh Sweilem 1
An Internal Debater at Hadhramout University Associate Professor Dr. Hammoud Ahmed Al-Faqih 2
An External Debater at Seiyun University Associate Professor Dr. Amin Salem Abdullah bin Othman 3

Article No. (2): The Committee shall be bound by article  no.(29), Item no.(3), of the Higher Studies regulation for the approval of the discussion result.

Article No. (3): This resolution shall be enforced from the date of its issuance and the concerned authorities must approve and implement it.


Issued at the University Presidency Office

On Rabi I 27, 1441 AH

Corresponding to 24/11/2019