The Alumni Foundation in a meeting with the Deanship of the Faculty of Law and the fourth-level students


The Dean of the Law Faculty , Dr. Faizah Ahmed Obaidi, in the presence of the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Ghaleb Abdullah Al-Quaiti, welcomed the Alumni Foundation delegation, Eng. Kamula Yousef Othman, Vice Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Professor Omar bin Rashid, Director of Programs and Projects, and Professor Abdullah Al-Ma`ansi is a specialist in the volunteer unit. The delegation discussed with the Deanship of the Faculty , the mutual cooperation relations between the two parties, and their role in serving students and those who are about to graduate in the Faculty of Law, as well as providing training and rehabilitation programs for them and helping them to find jobs. The study of the need for the required programs was reviewed by the deputy Dean, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Quaiti, and it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding and joint work between the two parties. Then the delegation met, in the presence of the faculty deanship, the fourth-level students in a discussion session during which the Dean of the faculty, Dr. Faiza Abidi, welcomed the delegation of the institution, and thanked them for this visit and their role in serving the graduates. Then the Director of Programs and Projects at the Foundation, Mr. Omar bin Rashid, gave an overview about the institution and its field of work in serving the graduates, and spoke about the interest in the legal personality. Vice Chairman of the Foundation Board of Directors, Eng. Kamula Yousef Othman, spoke about the Foundation’s role in qualifying graduates.
This was followed by a discussion with the students, and listening to their most important needs and the most important programs that they think will help and benefit them after their graduation and their departure to the field of work.