Faculty of Law Holds a Welcoming Ceremony for New 8th Batch Students.



 The Student Council of the Faculty of Law at the Future Colleges Complex of the University of Hadhramout organized the welcoming ceremony for first-level students for the university year 2017-2018 in general and parallel education. The ceremony began with verses from the Holy Quran. Dr. Yasser Ahmed Al-Qahum, Dean of the Faculty of Law, noted that this welcoming ceremony occurred to receive the eighth batch of law students with the slogan (Pioneers of Justice).

 Noting that the number of students coming to law specialization increases year after year due to the development and improvement of the faculty’s outcomes and graduation of a constellation of qualifications in the field of law, he called on new students at the first level in the public and parallel education to adhere and discipline in the study and exert effort and diligence to achieve the best scientific results to acquire legal knowledge during their university studies. This year, the Faculty of Law was distinguished by its opening for the first time the system of parallel education to the evening period, stressing the need for students to carry out their study duties in their university achievement this university year 2017-2018 and wishing them success in their university studies.

For his part, Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Jawhi, Head of the Private Law Department of the Faculty, pointed out that law students are future leaders through their service to society and defend rights and freedoms. He noting that law students are law ambassadors inside and outside, urging them to raise the banner of law high and be leaders of the future and a model for students of the Faculty of Law at Hadhramout University.

Student Majed Salem bin Makhachen, Chairman of the Students Council of of the Faculty of Law, said that the Student Council will serve students and defend their legitimate rights in cooperation and coordination with the leadership of the General Federation of University Students, the Deanship of the Faculty and the Presidency of the University.

 Also, there was a speech given at a ceremony by students at the first level of the public and parallel education system, during which they expressed their great pleasure to the Students’ Council and the Deanship of the Faculty of Law in organizing this welcoming ceremony to receive them and familiarize them with the university guidelines and regulations.