HU Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty Delegation Visits Mansoura University


Prof. Ashraf Tariq Hafid; Vice President of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research in Mansoura University expressed his appreciation on this scientific achievement at Hadhramout University and its readiness to support the postgraduate programs at Medicine and Health Sciences faculty. He met with the Dean of Medicine Faculty, who conveyed the greetings of Prof. Muhammad Saeed Khanbash; President of Hadhramout University. He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the presidency of Mansoura University and the leadership of the faculty for the warm reception and full readiness for cooperation in various specializations and postgraduate studies, as well as in courses.

The meeting was held on Tuesday, 27September, 2022 in the presence of Dr. Adnan Bakrman; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Prof. Abdullah bin Ghoth; Head of the Community Medicine Department at Hadhramout University, and Prof. Tamer Abu Al-Saad, Deputy Dean for postgraduate Studies at Mansoura Medicine Faculty.

The delegation had held an official meeting with the Deanship and professors of the Medicine, Faculty of Mansoura University. They got acquainted with the academic programs of the Faculty, where Dr. Samir Ba-Othman reviewed the history of medical education at Hadhramout University, the achievements that have been made and the challenges facing the faculty in light of the increasing enrollment to the faculty in Undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

From his part, Prof. Ashraf Shoma; Dean of Mansoura Medicine faculty, confirmed the full readiness to support the academic programs of Medicine faculty at Hadhramout University, especially in the specializations of anatomy and physiology, as well as the participation of Mansoura University professors in implementing master’s and doctoral programs in public health between the departments f Community medicine in the two faculties.

The meeting was attended by Prof. Basma Shoman, Deputy Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Ghada Al-Naqisi; Deputy Dean for Environmental Affairs, Prof. Tamer Al-Saad, Deputy Dean for postgraduate Studies, Prof. Ghada Al-Khawaja; Head of Public Health and Community Medicine Department. In addition to Dr. Raja Shawqi; Professor in Health.

On the other hand, the meeting was attended also by Dr. Adnan Bakrman, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs at Hadhramout University, and Prof. Abdullah bin Ghoth, Head of Community Medicine Department. The delegation also visited the faculty departments and its teaching facilities, including halls, skills laboratories, anatomy and others.

At the end of the visit, Dr. Samir Ba-Othman presented the shield of Hadhramout University, the university guide to the president of Mansoura University, and the faculty shield to the dean of Medicine Faculty. They were accompanied by Prof. Muhammad Al-Refai; General Director of the International Relations Office at Suez Canal University.