Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty/HU launches Final Examinations for the 19th  Batch of Human Medicine


On Tuesday, Aug.3rd,2021, Prof . Salem Al-Obthani, vice president for student affairs and Dr. Ali Mohammed Batarfi, dean of Medicine and Health sciences faculty lunched the final examination for the 19th  batch of Human medicine(level six) for the academic year 2020-2021 at HUCOM. Students took the final theoretical examination of Pediatrics and Internal medicine. The final practical (clinical) examination will take place on Wednesday and Thursday.

Prof. Dr. Salem Al-Obthani praised the discipline in organizing the examination process of the Dean of the faculty and the students to conduct exams easily, to confirm the excellence of the faculty as an honorable and unique model that the Hadhramaut University is proud of, wishing the students all the best.

Prof.  Ali Batarfi valued the efforts of the faculty members and students of the faculty in organizing the examination process and providing the appropriate atmosphere for students in the classrooms, wishing good luck to the examining students who are on the verge of graduation to carry the lofty medical mission in the service of the sick and the community.