Nursing Department


Overview Of Nursing

The Faculty offers a 4-year Bachelor of Nursing Science course and aims to provide students with basic scientific knowledge and concepts in nursing sciences to meet the needs of individuals, families and society. It also provides students with ethical and professional skills that include confidentiality, privacy and professional responsibility to contribute to the upgrading of the profession in society. Students are also equipped with the skills and foundations of scientific research to solve health problems and to keep up with contemporary issues.

Academic Departments [The following sections contribute to the implementation of the program]

Department’s information Department
It is concerned with implementing obstetrics and gynecology programs, as well as the Pediatric Nursing section. Maternal and Child Health Nursing
it is interested in implementing a community nursing and mental health program Department of Community Health Nursing and Psychiatric Nursing
Preparing students and implementing programs of internal surgical nursing, basics of nursing and management division Nursing Care of Adult Department
It deals with the implementation of basic medical materials and supporting materials Basic Medical Sciences Department



Faculty’s Programs

Bachelor Program

Description of Courses :

  • Overview :

    § Authority responsible for granting the degree: Nursing College at Hadhramout University.

    § Scientific Departments responsible for the program:

     * Department of Nursing Care of Adult.

     * Department of Community Health Nursing & Psychiatric Nursing.

      * Department of Maternity & Newborn Nursing.

      * Department of Medical Basics.

    § Participating scientific departments in the program:

    Departments of Basic Sciences and Forensic Medicine (College of Medicine).

    Department of Psychology (College of Education) Departments of Chemistry and Computer

    (College of Science).

    Departments of Arabic Language, English Language and Islamic Studies (College of Arts).

    § Language of the Program:  English for department requirements and Arabic for university requirements.

    § Method of the Study: Regular (minimum attendance 75% ).

    § Place of the Program: Nursing College.

    § System of the Study: Semester system.

    § Total Time of the Program: 4 years / 8 semesters.

    §  Profession that the Program is preparing for: A professional nurse with university qualifications in health care institutions.

    § Qualification: General high school certificate ( science section ) or its equivalent.

    § Required Grade for Admission: 75% and above.

    § Other Conditions: Successfully pass the admission examination.


Objectives of the Program
1. To qualify well-rounded graduates in the field of nursing sciences to meet the needs of individuals, families and community.
2. To provide the students with ethical and professional skills that include confidentiality, privacy and professional reasonability in order to contribute to promoting the level of nursing profession in the
3. To provide the students with skills and basics of scientific research in order to solve health problems and cope with contemporary issues.

Outcomes of the Program

After the completion of the Bachelor Nursing Sciences Program, the graduate will be able:

 First: Knowledge and Understanding

  1. To acquire basic concepts, principles and theories in the field of nursing sciences.
  2. To have knowledge and understanding of basic and human sciences, as well as the natural functional and anatomical characteristics of the human body and general knowledge.
  3. To have knowledge of the causes, symptoms and complications of common health problems that affect different life stages.

 Second: Intellectual Skills

  1. To evaluate information and data required to diagnose and solve disease problems in accordance with scientific bases.
  2. To evaluate the results of nursing activities skillfully according to the best practices based on
  3. To develop plans and nursing care programs to meet the needs of the individual and community.

 Third: Professional and Practical Skills

  1. To utilize modern medical techniques devices in the field of nursing sciences.
  2. To apply unified protocols when providing nursing care.
  3. To use appropriate methods in analyzing patient / client data in diagnosis, care and rehabilitation.
  4. To apply leadership and management concepts in the implementation of high quality nursing service.

 Fourth:  General and Transferable Skills

  1. To communicate effectively with others verbally and non-verbally.
  2. To have skills of leadership skills and teamwork, taking into consideration professional, ethical and  cultural responsibility.
  3. To use various learning resources in self- study, lifelong learning and scientific research.



 Components of the Study Plan

No.  Course  Credit Hours
1 University Requirements 16
2 College Requirements 38
3 Compulsory Department Requirements 71
4 Elective Department Requirements 8
Total 132


 University Requirements:     16 credit hours.

All university students study these courses.

 Course Title  Code  Hours
 Credit  Actual
 T  P∕ t  T  P∕ t
 Arabic Language ( 1 )



 2  0  2  0
 Arabic Language ( 2 )



 2  0  2  0
 English Language ( 1 )  ARAB 112  2  0  2  0
 English Language  ( 2 )



 2  0  2  0
 Islamic Culture ( 1 )  ISLAM 113  2  0  2  0
 Islamic Culture ( 2 )  ISLAM 123  2  0  2  0
 Introduction to Computer



 1  1  1  2
 Communication Skills



 2  0  2  0
 SUB-TOTAL  15  1  15  2
 TOTAL  16  17

T: Theoretical                       P: Practical                   t: tutorial



 Faculty Requirements:     38 credit hours.

All students of the College study these courses.

 Course Title  Code  Hours
 Credit  Actual
 T  P/t  T  P/t
Biology bio 215 2 2
General Chemistry



1 1 1 2
Human Body ( 1 )  Anatomy & Physiology



3 1 3 2
Human Body (2) Anatomy & Physiology



3 1 3 2



2 2



2 2
Microbiology & Parasitology



2 1 2 2



2 2
Pharmacology (1)



2 2
Pharmacology (2)



2 2



2 2

Epidemiology & Communicable




2 2



3 3
Research Methodology



2 2
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology



2 2



2 2
SUB -TOTAL 34 4 32 8
TOTAL 38 40

T: Theoretical                       P: Practical                   t: tutorial


 Compulsory Department Requirements:         70 credit hours.

All students of the Department study these courses.

 Course Title  Code  Hours
 Credit  Actual
 T  P/t  T  P/t
Nursing Foundations ( 1 )



2 2 2 6
Nursing Foundations ( 2 )



2 3 2 9
Health Assessment



1 2 1 6
Nursing Care of Adult ( 1 )



3 3

Nursing Care of Adult (1)




3 9
Nursing Care of Adult ( 2 ) (Specialty)



3 3
Nursing Care of Adult ( 2 ) (Specialty) Clinical



3 9
Health Education



2 1 2 2
Applied Nutrition



2 1 2 2
Maternity & Newborn Nursing



3 3

Maternity & Newborn Nursing




3 9
Introduction To Critical Care Nursing



2 1 2 3
Child & Adolescent Health Nursing



4 4
Child & Adolescent Health Nursing Clinical



3 9
Nursing Leadership / Management



2 1 2 3
Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing



4 4
Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing ( Clinical )



3 9
Community & Occupational Health Nursing



4 4
Community & Occupational Health Nursing ( Clinical )



3 9
Gerontological Nursing NUR416 2 2
Ethics of Nursing NUR325 2 2
Research Project NUR424 2 6
Comprehensive Clinical Training NUR425 10
SUB -TOTAL 39 31 39 101




T: Theoretical                       P: Practical                   t: tutorial


 Elective Department Requirements:         8 credit hours.

8 credit hours are chosen from the following courses

Course Title Code Hours
 Credit  Actual
T P/t T P/t
Critical Care Nursing(I)



2 2 2 6
Critical Care Nursing(2)



1 3 1 9
Oncology Nursing(1)



2 2 2 6
Oncology Nursing(2)



1 3 1 9

Obstetric &

Gynecological Nursing




2 2 2 6

Obstetric &

Gynecological Nursing(2)



1 3 1 9
Neonatal Critical Care Nursing (1 )



2 2 2 6
Neonatal Critical Care Nursing ( 2 )



1 3 1 9

T: Theoretical                       P: Practical                   t: tutorial


 The study plan

 First level

 First Semester

Course Title Hours



 Credit  Actual
T P/t T P/t
 Arabic Language (1)  2  0  0  2 University  Requirement



 English Language (1)  2  0  0  2 University  Requirement



 Islamic Culture  ( 1 )  2  0  0  2 University  Requirement



Nursing Foundations


 2  2  0  4 Department   Requirement



Human Body (1)  Anatomy & Physiology  3  1  0  4 College  Requirement



 Biology  2  0  0  2 College   Requirement  Bio116
 Total  12  4  0  16



 Second Semester

Course Title Hours



Credit Actual
T P/t T P/t
Arabic Language (2) 2 0 0 2 University  Requirement



English Language (2) 2 0 0 2 University  Requirement



Islamic Culture  (2) 2 0 0 2 University  Requirement



Nursing Foundations

( 2 )

2 2 0 5 Department   Requirement



Human Body ( 2 )  Anatomy & Physiology 3 1 0 4 College   Requirement



General Chemistry 1 1 0 2 College  Requirement



 Total 13 4 0 17


Second level First Semester

Course Title Hours



Credit Actual
T P/t T P/t
Introduction to  Computer  2 0  0 2 College   Requirement



Nursing Care of Adult  (1)  3 0  0 3 Department   Requirement



Nursing Care of Adult

(1) Clinical

 0 1  2 3 Department   Requirement



Medicine  2 0  0 2 College   Requirement



Biochemistry  2 0  0 2 College   Requirement



Pharmacology (1)  2 0  0 2 College   Requirement



Health Assessment  2 2  0 4 Department   Requirement



 Total 13 3 2 18



 Second Semester

 Course Title  Hours



 Credit  Actual
 T  P/t  T  P/t
Communication Skills 1 1 0 2 University  Requirement



Nursing Care of Adult

(2) ( Specialty )

3 0 0 3 Department   Requirement



Nursing Care of Adult 2  (Specialty ) Clinical 0 1 2 3 Department   Requirement



Pathophysiology 2 0 0 2 College   Requirement



Pharmacology (2) 2 0 0 2 College   Requirement



Applied Nutrition 2 1 0 3 Department   Requirement



Microbiology &  Parasitology 2 1 0 3 College   Requirement



 Total 12 4 2 18


 Third Level

 First Semester

Course Title Hours



Credit Actual
T P/t T P/t
Maternity & Newborn  Nursing 3 0 0 3 Department   Requirement



Maternity & Newborn  Nursing (clinical ) 0 1 2 3 Department   Requirement



Introduction to Critical  Care Nursing 1 1 0 2 Department   Requirement



Health Education 2 1 0 3 Department   Requirement



Biostatistics 2 0 0 2 College   Requirement



Psychology 3 0 0 3 College  Requirement



 Total 11 3 2  16


 Second Semester

Course Title Hours



Credit Actual
T P/t T P/t
Adolescent & Child  Health Nursing 4 0 0 4 Department   Requirement



Adolescent &Child  Health Nursing  ( clinical ) 0 1 2 3 Department   Requirement



Nursing Leadership /  Management 3 1 0 4 Department   Requirement



Research Methodology 2 0 0 2 College   Requirement



Ethics of Nursing 2 0 0 2 College  Requirement



Forensic Medicine &  Toxicology 2 0 0 2 College  Requirement



Total 13 2 2 17

Fourth Level First Semester

Course Title Hours



Credit Actual
T P/t T P/t
Psychiatric / Mental  Health Nursing 4 0 0 4 Department   Requirement



Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing


0 1 2 3 Department   Requirement



Elective Course (1) 2 2 0 4 Department   Requirement



Epidemiology &  Communicable Disease 2 0 0 2 College   Requirement PH  414
Sociology 2 0 0 2 College   Requirement



Gerontological Nursing 2 0 0 2 Department   Requirement



 Total 12 3 2 17


 Second Semester

 Course Title  Hours



 Credit  Actual
 T  P/t  T  P/t

Community Health Nursing


4 0 0 4 Department   Requirement



Community Health  Nursing ( Clinical ) 0 1 2 3 Department   Requirement



Elective Course (2) 1 1 2 4 Department   Requirement



Research Project


0 2 0 0 Department   Requirement



Comprehensive Clinical  Training* 0 0 2 0 Department   Requirement



 Total 5 4 4 13

 Description of Courses 

 Faculty Requirements

  1. General Chemistry Code: CHEM  116      Credit Hours : 2

The course includes general concepts of chemistry such as states and properties of matter, structure of the atom, the periodic table, properties of the elements as well as chemical reactions and chemical bonds. It also

includes aqueous solutions, gas laws, ion equilibrium, etc.

  1. Biochemistry Code: CHEM126             Credit Hours: 3

The course begins with a comprehensive overview on the types, characteristics and the most important reactions of organic chemical compounds that are related to biochemistry. Then, it builds the properties and function of biochemical compounds such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins as well as the general characteristics of enzymes, organization of the work of enzymes and their relation to nursing. It also includes the production of bioenergy, responsible metabolic pathways, energy storage reactions, proteins status, nucleic acids in addition to an overview of biotechnology and molecular biology and its relationship

to diseases, mechanisms of hormones and the relationship of biochemistry to nutrition.

  1. Human Body (1)Anatomy & Physiology  Code: HUBY 115     Credit Hours: 4

The course includes the natural structure of a human body, its mechanism of work and a full description of physiology and anatomy. Cell structure and basic tissues of human body and their functions are studied in this part in addition to the following human body systems: cardiovascular,  respiratory and musculoskeletal.

It also contains an explanation of the blood and body fluids. Some clinical practices are referred to when  appropriate.

 4. Human Body (2)Anatomy and Physiology:  Code: HUBY 125   Credit Hours: 4

This course contains the natural structure of human body, its mechanism of work and a full description of physiology. In this part, the structure and functions of the following systems of the human body are studied:

digestive system, urogenital system, nervous system ( autonomic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system( and the endocrine system. Furthermore, this course also contains an explanation of

neurophysiology and senses. Some clinical practices are referred to when appropriate.



  1. Medicine Code: MED 114               Credit Hours: 2

Medical problems related to the disorders of the circulatory system, respiratory system , digestive system ,  renal failure, fluid disorders and diabetes are studied in this course.

  1. Microbiology & Parasitology Code: MIPA 126       Credit Hours: 2

The course includes a general introduction to microbes, its various types of viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites as well as their spread in human and nature and how human body resists the infection of microbes. It also includes the study of the most important types of human pathogens and their symptoms, diagnostic methods in the laboratory and ways of prevention and treatment. In addition, the spread of microbial

infections within the hospital and the infection prevention procedures.

  1. Pathophysiology: Code: PATH223         Credit Hours: 2

This course focuses on the physiological changes that occur as a result of internal and external environmental influences as well as pathological processes and body responses that lead to signs and symptoms of the disease in response to these changes. It also shows the general concepts and foundations of the most common health problems including: cellular injuries, immunity, inflammatory processes and

tumors. The study focuses on the health needs for an individual’s life.

  1. Pharmacology ( 1( Code: PHAR 216             Credit Hours: 2

This course summarizes the basics of pharmacology and the relation of nursing profession to this science. It also includes the most important drugs used in treating various diseases, the relation of the nurse and giving medicines, noticing how these drugs work and their side effects on the patient. Furthermore,  it includes methods of drugs effect from the pharmacological aspect, the mechanism of drugs process and disposal, the toxic effects of drugs and their interactions. Cardiovascular drugs, diuretics, treatment of infectious and

sepsis, drugs for digestive and respiratory systems are also taught in this course.

9.Pharmacology (2(           Code: PHAR  224             Credit Hours: 2

This course includes the study of drugs which treat various body. It includes drugs for the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, psychiatric, endocrine, infectious diseases and cancer and drugs for

pregnancy and lactation.

  1. Biostatistics Code : STA 315        Credit Hours : 2

This course was designed to introduce students to the nature of the statistical processes and the different methods that are used to describe data such as chaptering and projecting statistical data (histogram(, repetitive tables, measures of central tendency and  measures of dispersion, relationship between variables, simple, multiple and partial correlation, equation of the line regression as well as  the natural curve and its

applications, pairing linear regression and an introduction to test the hypotheses.

 12.Epidemiology & Communicable Disease     Code:  NUR315     Credit Hours: 2

This course aims to study communicable diseases and common fevers, and to introduce and classify     infectious diseases, factors associated with their existence and spread as well as economic and social effects. Moreover, it includes epidemiological study of the important local and regional infectious diseases in terms of causative factors, transmission methods, incubation period, symptoms and main relationships, diagnosis and treatment principles, with focus on combating and eradication of infectious diseases and on process of

infectious diseases combat.

13.Psychology           Code : PSY 316              Credit Hours : 3

This course provides students with basic information about mental illnesses “behavior and way of thinking.” It also offers them studies and theories about thinking methods, how to learn, perceive, sense, empathize, respond, develop and assess personality. Besides, psychological characteristics of different stages of growth

and different factors that may affect the behavior of the individual.

  1. Research Methodology Code : RES 324             Credit Hours : 2

The students learn the basics of  research methodology such as identifying a problem, formulating hypotheses, reviewing literature and data collecting and using,  and scheduling results. It also focuses on the application of the scientific method in dealing with health problems, and offers the student the opportunity

of preparing research project plans.

  1. Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Code: MED326      Credit Hours: 2

This course provides nursing students with the aspects of forensic medicine, common toxins, causes of     death and post-mortem changes.

  1. Sociology Code: SOC 415           Credit Hours: 2

This course focuses on the various social systems and their impact on health practices, economic development and lifestyles in different societies. It also confirms the advantages and disadvantages of different social systems and groups,  and their impact on the following : health care practice, economic development,  life patterns roles played by each individual and families in addition to the education process  and professionals who work in the field of health.




 Department Requirements

  1. Nursing Foundations (1(          Code : NUR 114           Credit Hours : 4

This course introduces nursing beginner students to nursing profession and  provides them with basic information and appropriate positive attitudes that will be acquired during the study and work. It also develops the students’ ability to think logically and creatively, and make decisions when applying nursing skills safely and properly with particular emphasis on the study of medical terminology for basic and clinical

sciences, pharmaceutical terminology, nursing terminology and Latin origins for  medical terminology.

The practical part of the course provides directed training experiences with concentration on acquiring basic nursing skills, that correlate with information provided in the theoretical part of the this course. These skills have been organized according to functional health patterns in order to enable students to provide integrated

nursing care in various work places.

  1. Nursing Foundations (2( Code : NUR 124                 Credit Hours : 6

This course is based on the concepts presented in the course of Nursing Foundations (1( as well as the continuous emphasis on teaching students the basic clinical skills and preparing them for clinical training. It includes the basic skills such as nutrition, excursion, and giving drugs in their all forms. Training on the steps of nursing process is also used as a strategy in planning, implementing and identifying the most important nursing theories as a guide in providing comprehensive nursing care. Skills are performed in the  Nursing Skills Lab.

  1. Health Assessment Code : NUR 217               Credit Hours : 3

This course provides both necessary information and skills to assess the health status of the patient during health and illness. It also instructs students to use communication skills to gather information about the disease history and the skills required to conduct a comprehensive clinical examination, then to apply information from different medical sciences with the critical thinking necessary to determine any changes in

health status of patients. In the practical clinical and  laboratory part , the students apply theoretical principles and skills to healthy and sick people, by recording disease history and clinical examination


  1. Nursing Care of Adult (1( Code : NUR 212               Credit Hours : 3

In this course, students learn about diseases that affect the functional health patterns of adult patients. It focuses on the biological, psychological and social responses of adult patients with acute and chronic problems, which may affect functional health patterns. The steps of the nursing process are also used to identify nursing diagnosis and interventions that seek to maintain and develop health of adults and their


  1. Nursing Care of Adult (2) Clinical Code : NUR 213       Credit Hours: 3

This course provides the student with knowledge, practical nursing experience and skills to prepare a professional nurse who will be responsible for providing care to adult individuals with common internal and

surgical diseases. Also, it provides the student with practical experience in field training.

This course focuses on training the students on caring through using nursing process in order to learn the   role of the professional nurse in helping patients to maintain health, focusing on the means of communication, way of thinking, professional experience, teaching and learning, and keeping abreast of the latest developments in health matters and preserving the ethics of medical professions. It also develops the

student’s decision-making skills, problem solving, and linking theoretical courses to practical application.

 22. Nursing Care of Adult (2) Specialty          Code : NUR 227    Credit Hours: 3

This course is an extension to Nursing Care of Adult (1( which introduces students to complex critical diseases and health patterns of adult patients as well as specialized nursing such as orthopedics, ophthalmology, and otolaryngology and their effects on the functional patterns of  adults and their families. The student is expected to have the skills and information to make the right decision when providing care to patients with critical health conditions. Nursing process steps are also used as a basis to implement the nursing plan. The student is also expected to understand the skills of taking decisions, problem solving and use the comprehensive and various nursing interventions including : the use of education, health

enhancement and correct health patterns.

 23. Nursing Care of Adult (2)Specialty Clinical  

Code : NUR 222   Credit Hours:3

The students are provided with the appropriate knowledge and skills to care for adults with critical health conditions. It focuses on the vital, psychological and social responses of the individual with the actual critical health problems. In addition, it aims to provide the  students with practical experience in field training in specialized medical units. The students are also expected to have the basic information and skills related to pathophysiology, treatment methods and advanced nursing tools, using the steps of the nursing

process as a base to provide nursing care.

  1. Health Education Code : NUR 214        Credit Hours: 3

This course provides students with education concepts, primary health care related to health, as well as styles, skills and methods of teaching to enhance the health of individuals, families and society. It also employs teaching theories, primary health care and health education for practical use. Health education process focuses on key aspects which include prevention, treatment and care in health as well as illness. It gives students the opportunity to apply health education programs to patients who suffer from health and environmental problems in the society. It also focuses on the methods used to advise healthy individuals of

different ages as well as the ill ones with regard to their daily life problems.

25.Applied Nutrition for Nursing Students     Code : NUR 225    Credit Hours: 3

This course includes natural and therapeutic nutrition as well as the role of food in maintaining health as well as methods of assessing the nutritional status, basics of health food preparation, planning of nutrition programs, nutritional education and guidance. In addition, it includes the use of food in treating and managing some common diseases which affect the various body organs, common food problems in the Arab  World, and nutrition education for the individual, family and society.

  1. Maternity & Newborn Nursing Code : NUR 311    Credit Hours : 3

This course aims to analyze and study the physical, psychological and social knowledge related to mother and child special nursing care. Nursing practice focuses on meeting the health needs of the mother and child during health and illness stages. The course has 2 parts: the first part is the study of  physiological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, postnatal period care and nursing care methods during these stages, as well as comprehensive nursing care for the mother and newborn in cases of health and illness. The second part contains the proper child care from a month to 18 years and the study of some common childhood diseases

in some systems such as respiratory, digestive and cardiac systems with focus on nursing care.

 27.Maternity & Newborn Nursing ( clinical )   Code : NUR 312   Credit Hours : 3

The course focuses on practical nursing practices on a selected sample of patients at the department of maternity and childhood. It also provides the opportunity for practical training in the areas of nursing care

for the most vulnerable categories.

 28. Introduction to Critical Health Nursing  Code : NUR 313    Credit Hours: 3

The course aims to provide students with basic concepts and procedures of critical acute nursing care such as thrombus and cerebral hemorrhage that affect the functional health patterns as well as the basic life support ( BLS (. The students practice the basic nursing skills like electrocardiography ( ECG (, wound suturing, and giving life-saving medicines. It is developed through the use of nursing process as a general

framework for determining the diagnosis and nursing interventions.

  1. Child & Adolescent Health Nursing Code : NUR 321    Credit Hours: 4

This course focuses on the care of children and adolescents throughout their life stages as an individual with special needs within the family and society. Emphasis is placed on the primary health care of the child, which includes the prevention of health problems for children at all life stages as well as treatment and rehabilitation in case of illness. The attention is given to the application of nursing process in child and

adolescent’s care besides the patients with different health issues.

 30. Child  &  Adolescent Health Nursing ( clinical )

Code : NUR 223    Credit Hours : 3

This course is based on the information that students acquired from the previous courses of child and adolescents health nursing, nutrition and pharmacology through  practicing the bases of nursing to provide a top level of health and nursing care for children and their families. It teaches students the necessary clinical skills for child health in various health fields such as maternity and childhood care centers, hospitals and disabled rehabilitation centers in order to enable students to practice comprehensive nursing care for

children through primary prevention, health promotion, and rehabilitation.

  1. Nursing Leadership & Management Code : NUR 323    Credit Hours: 4

This course introduces the basic concepts, and principles of management and leadership upon which the student’s ability to manage nursing care and make appropriate decisions are built. It also helps to develop the student’s leadership ability to influence the quality of health care and make difference when necessary. The administrative process in this course uses a general framework in the design of the  general content.  The practical side provides the students with an opportunity for working in health institutions in order to apply the basic concepts and principles in management through the tasks and activities during training, as well as  individual or group projects that show his acquisition of different management skills.

  1. Psychiatric Nursing              Code : NUR 411    Credit Hours : 4

This course develops the ability of nursing student to develop knowledge and acquire experience when dealing with the individual who suffers from psychological and mental problems or the one who suffers

from physical, emotional, spiritual and social problems with psychological and mental effects.

Various nursing methods are used to help patients with psychological problems and their families to maintain the best possible level of health mentally and psychologically. It also explains the various theories that help people deal properly  with tensions of life. It focuses on communication skills and their impact on interaction with patients and health workers in the field of mental health. The students also learn different

treatment methods for mental patients.

  1. Psychiatric Nursing ( clinical ( Code : NUR 412    Credit Hours : 3

This course offers an opportunity to deal directly with patients who suffer from mental, emotional and behavioral disorders and receive treatment in specialized centers or clinics, where patients condition and their behavior can be evaluated and health care plans can be made based on the sciences studied by the students in biological, psychological and nursing courses. Practical training is done in the community and health care centers for chronic and acute diseases with emphasis on treatment enhancement of  mental


 34.Community & Occupational Health Nursing   Code : NUR 421  Credit Hours: 4

This course prepares the students to work in the field of community health and to benefit from the previous nursing courses. It focuses on the concept of the family and how to deal with it during health and illness, family interaction with the local community and the special evaluation methods of the community and


The students learn the different roles of the community health nurse in various areas of community, including the role of nurse in school health as well as the concepts and bases related to the health of nursing staff, health care receiver and their families through the prevention of the profession risks. It also includes public safety measures related to the direct environment of the nurse, and patient preventing and handling

accidents, planning for public safety measures and learning risk prevention strategies.

 35. Community & Occupational Health Nursing ( clinical )

Code : NUR422   Credit Hours: 3

This course provides the students with the latest concepts related to the health of community and family, and how they work as community health nurses. The students also learn about the principles of environmental and community health, methods of care and health education in various fields including:  health centers,

homes, schools, factories and associations that take care of people with special needs and the elderly.

  1. Gerontological Nursing Code : NUR 416      Credit Hours: 2

This course focuses on exploring clinical symptoms of common health problems among elder people in the community. The application of the nursing process extends with the focus on the planning and

implementation of primary and secondary nursing interventions and strengthening them.

  1. Trends, Issues & Ethics in Nursing Code : NUR 325      Credit Hours: 2

This course introduces students to the latest trends, problems and issues affecting nursing profession, its teaching and  methods of solving such problems. It also introduces modern trends in nursing and educational care for their development and application in nursing profession. Moreover, it focuses on the ethics of

nursing profession and their importance when providing nursing care.

  1. Research Project      Code : NUR 425                  Credit Hours: 2

In this course the student is able to use the steps of scientific research in the nursing research project, as the student identifies a significant nursing problem and chooses quantitative or qualitative research methods. The validity and reliability of the method used should be discussed. The results should be presented,  interpreted and discussed in relation to the theoretical part. The work is documented as a working paper that is  organized in a traditional scientific way. The student should be able to defend his / her own scientific

paper, and the students choose a significant small research project.

39.Comprehensive Clinical Training         Code : NUR 426      Credit Hours: 2

This course prepares the fourth level students to practice the independent nursing clinical clerkship as a preparation for their future role in different clinical fields such as hospitals and various health centers. Furthermore, the students apply knowledge, skills and trends gained during their study guided by the nursing staff that is working in the training area, and under the supervision of the teaching staff members at the NC.

The students practice full daily shifts in one of the health institutions. It also provides the necessary practical  training to practice the evaluation, planning, and the application for patients case in different clinical areas.

 Elective Department Requirements

  1. Neonatal Critical Care Nursing (1( Code : NUR413      Credit Hours : 4

This elective course focuses on teaching the students how to take care of patients with medical lifethreatening conditions. It also includes physical assessment skills, diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, and food measurements with concentration on critical thinking and nursing process as a general framework to practice nursing profession. The students are trained in intensive care units ( ICU (, accident and emergency ( A&E ( departments in order to provide health care to patients with critical conditions such as

cardiac arrest, heart arrhythmia, chest pain and abnormal respiration.

41.Neonatal Critical Care Nursing (2(      Code : NUR 424      Credit Hours: 4

This course completes what the students have studied in Neonatal Critical Care Nursing (1(. It explains how to take care of  patients with critical life-threatening conditions, advanced burns and dialysis. They are trained on the Advanced Critical Care Program ( ACLS ( in selected locations of the critical care centers,

dialysis centers, and burn centers.


 References of the Program

  • First Level Assessment Guide / Academic Accreditation Council and Quality Assurance of Higher Education at the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • Standards for nursing and midwifery education issued by Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the WHO, 2015.
  • Five debate nursing programs in nursing colleges from the following universities:       University of  Science / Malaysia ( USM )

American University / Beirut

University of Jordan / Amman

King Saud University / Riyadh  Helwan University /  Egypt.