Dean’s Message


Praise be to God, who created the human and taught him eloquence. Prayers and peace be upon His faithful Messenger and upon all his family and companions ..
Since the establishment of Socotra Education faculty , which strives hard to facilitate the way of acquiring knowledge for the people of Socotra in particular, and for the people of Yemen in general and for everyone who comes to it. It pays attention on quality before quantity, through the quality of education, and the consolidation of the concepts of the science bases principles that the student studies in this faculty. Accordingly, the learner comes out to his community, as useful, productive person in serving the country from his position and making his path towards the future. This is evident in the outcomes of the faculty

In addition, the faculty has met the community’s need of professional teachers in some departments, it has determined, with the cooperation of those in charge of Hadhramout University, to open new departments that meet the needs of the community and keep abreast with the aspirations of its male and female students that they seek to achieve in the coming years.
In this regard, and as we present this introductory overview of the Education Faculty in Socotra, we encourage our students both male and females to pay more effort, diligence and perseverance in order to achieve the highest ranks and the best scientific gains, as for science which guided people towards the path of progress and development.
From this point of view, ensuring the quality of education and improving outcomes is one of the faculty’s first priorities that we seek to achieve with the help and guidance of Allah.
Best wishes…..

Dr. Saad Amer Ahmed Salem
Faculty Dean