Hadhramout University opens ICU for preeclampsia and other departments at the university hospital


Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khanbash, HU President, expressed his happiness with the opening of the intensive care unit for preeclampsia in the university hospital, as well as the free x-ray unit and free pharmacy, and said that “we are working without an operational budget and under these current circumstances we still provide treatment service”. He thanked the hospital administration and the Health and Population Office in Hadhramout Coast for the efforts made to accomplish these qualitative additions to the hospital .
The Director General of the Health and Population Office in Hadhramout coast, Dr. Riad Al-Jariri, commended this leap in the treatment services of the University Hospital and pointed out that the responsibility of health is no longer the responsibility of a ministry or office as much as what is the responsibility of all institutions and bodies in higher education and military, indicated that the office supports such projects In a way that alleviates the financial burdens on the shoulders of citizens. Also, he expressed his happiness of the cooperation with the Hadhramout University through its health facility; the University Hospital and the University Family Medicine Center and added that linking the free pharmacy to the drug supply management will have a significant impact on continuity.
Dr. Abdul Qader Mohammed Bayazid, Acting Director General of the University Hospital, said that the opening of the free pharmacy will relieve the citizens of great burdens, indicating that its opening came with generous support from the Medicinal Supply Administration in the Republic and close follow-up by Dr. Riyadh Al-Jariri, Director General of the Health and Population Office in Hadhramout coast, and his support to supply the pharmacy With the necessary medication, also we were able, through philanthropists, to find an intermediate care unit for preeclampsia, which did not exist, and which was suffered by pregnant mothers in critical cases and suffering of transportation to other hospitals,
He added that the opening of the X-ray unit at the university hospital will provide a quick service for patients, and the free pharmacy will be accessible to all patients who visit the university hospital. . It was also announced the arrival of early detection device for breast cancer in the near future and a number of infant incubator, which will increase the hospital’s efficiency. Dr. Bayazid and Hassan Al-Talea added, ” During the opening ceremony, we get a promise of a number of intensive care devices, which will increase the possibility of dealing with the various cases that come to the university hospital”.
Dr. Yasser Bamatraf , Technical Director of Ibn Sina Hospital, expressed his happiness of this achievements that will increase the hospital’s performance.

Dr. Walid Al- Batati, Director General of Central Laboratories, said that the opening of the free pharmacy, ICU for preeclampsia, and the x-ray unit will develop the hospital services to patients in these circumstances, and we in the central laboratories will not struggle to provide what strengthens cooperation between us. To serve the patient.
Also, Mr. Yassin Bahoul, Technical Director of the University Hospital, provided a detailed explanation of the hospital’s work, the various stages of completion, and its future plans.
This opening was attended by Prof. Ahmed Zain Bahamid, Director General of the General Department of Media at the University, Mr. Anwar Jaber, Executive and Financial Director of the University Hospital, and the University Hospital cadres.