

The library is one of the most important bases for developing the educational process in the faculty. Since its establishing, the deanships of the faculty have been providing specialized scientific and educational books for faculty students and professors. Over the past years, a number of scientific books have been provided for the faculty’s specializations in order to meet the minimum requirements for scientific lessons. The Deanship of the faculty seeks to provide the faculty library with new books annually according to the financial allocations. There are currently in the library more than nine thousand books in the fields of administrative sciences, and more than a hundred scientific journals. The Deanship of the faculty strives, through the faculty’s allocations, to provide valuable scientific books and journals from international book fairs, whether held inside or outside Yemen.

Number of books and journals:

N Faculty Number of books Number of journals
1 Arts Faculty 20199 201
2 Administrative Sciences Faculty 9230 152
3 Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology faculty 3126 36

Library staff
The library has six employees as follows:

N Name Job Title
1 Omar Jamaan Al-Obaidi Library Department Director
2 Awadh Mohammed Hantoush Head of Technical Section
3 Fouad Ahmed bin Abdat Head of Loan Section
4 Aiad Saleh Al Kathiri Head of Technical Section
5 Aboud Salem Bazara Night Shift Manager