Evaluation and Development of Academic Performance



The Department of Evaluation and Development of Academic Performance was established within the Department of Academic Affairs . Prof. Khaled Bashrahel was the first Director of the Department . Due to the importance of the quality system in university education, it became necessary to develop the Service at the Centre for Academic Development & Quality Assurance on 5 October 2011, based on University President’s Decision No 298.

Tasks :

  1. to oversee the implementation of evaluations, develop academic performance and provide them with elements of complementarity and success.
  2. To establish regulations, instructions and mechanisms for the development and evaluation of curricula and programmes to ensure their implementation and to review them periodically to keep pace with developments
  3. To promote a culture of evaluation among faculty, staff and university students
  4. To conduct studies on the results of quarterly students in the curricula of the academic departments of the faculties of the University, and to make recommendations that could contribute to greater objectivity and accuracy.
  5. To learn about the views of students in the educational process through appropriate tools and procedures.
  6. To evaluate the draft plans and study programmes to be developed at the University.
  7. To prepare standards and requirements for new programmes developed.
  8. To prepare and submit monthly reports to the Director of the Centre.
  9. to prepare the annual plan of the Service, to follow up its implementation, and to prepare and submit annual reports to the Director of the Centre.


Name Occupation Scientific Degree Telephone E-mail
Prof. Abdullah Eidah Bahshwan Director Professor