Chemical Engineering


Overview Of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering was established at the beginning of the university’s founding in 1996-1997 and was involved with the Department of Petroleum Engineering under the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. The department became independent in the academic year 1999-2000. It is the only department specializing in chemical engineering at the level of state universities in the Republic of Yemen.

Heads of the Department

Name Nationality الفترة

Osama Abdel-Hamid Abdel-Aal


1996 – 1997

Mohamed Abdul-Qader Al-Saffar


1998 – 1999

 Essam Kamel Saleh


2000 – 2001

 Hani Ahmed Damag


2001 – 2002

 Hamid Nasser Bin Harharah


2002 – 2009

Salmeen Saad Al-Shamali


2009  – 2017

Ali Hassan Al-Shanini


2017 – Until now

Since the establishment of the Department, 16 batches of 679 students graduated


to make the chemical engineering department is one of the leading departments in the region.


To provide a solid foundation and high quality education that will prepare graduates to a career in chemical engineering and other associated industries.


The CHE program has defined a set of objectives that translates its mission into measurable and defined tasks. So, after few years of graduation, the graduates of chemical engineering program will:

  1. Excel successfully in chemical, petro-chemical, oil & gas, and other related industries.
  2. Be recognized as critical, creative, and independent thinker who has team work, leadership, and communication skills.
  3. Be sensitive to social, ethical, and technical implications of their work as it effects environment, safety, and health of citizen globally.
  4.   Be able to engage successfully in long life learning and further studies.

Faculty’s Programs

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Description of Courses :


CHE 211 Introduction to Engineering Design (2 Cr.: 1-0-2)

This course covers: problem solving strategies, an introspective look at the characteristics, the habits, and the actions that effective problem solvers use, gathering information on the problem, problem definition, breaking down the barriers to generating ideas, generating solutions, deciding the course of action, implementing the solution, evaluation and troubleshooting.

CHE 212 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: the scope of chemical engineering, chemical processes, ethical considerations (academic integrity and professional ethics), the professional responsibilities of engineers are analyzed through chemical code of practice, dimensions, units and their conversion, data analysis, manipulation and representation, physical and chemical principles and their application to chemical engineering problems including the mole and the molecular weight, the density, specific gravity, Flow rates, chemical composition and concentration, temperature and pressure, chemical reaction equation,  stoichiometry and basis.

CHE 221 Mass and Energy Balances (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: the basic principles and techniques used for calculations of material balances in chemical engineering processes, material balance for reactive and nonreactive processes, simple chemical engineering processes and complex systems including recycle, bypass and purge, the first law of thermodynamics, concepts of energy, enthalpy, heat effects, conservation of energy, mechanical work, standard heats of reaction, formation and combustion, heat effects of industrial reactions, study of combined mass and energy balances.

CHE 311 Fluid Mechanics (4 Cr.: 2-2-2)

This course covers: principles governing fluid flow for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in laminar and turbulent flows, fluid static, continuity equation, Bernoulli’s equation, flow measuring devices, fluid friction of flowing systems, momentum balance, dimensional analysis and similitude, characteristics and selection of piping system (pipes, valves, pumps and compressors) and its application in chemical engineering, flow through porous media; fluidization and types of fluidized beds and their use in chemical engineering, concept of hydrodynamic characteristics of fluidized beds. Weekly relevant lab experiments are conducted to understand the theory part.

CHE 312 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: introduction, review of first law and other basic concepts, volumetric properties of pure substance, heat effects, second law of thermodynamics, power cycles, refrigeration and liquefaction.

CHE 321 Industry and Environment (2 Cr.: 2-0-0)

This course covers: introduction to environmental and industrial pollutants, air pollution, water pollution, solid waste, noise pollution, radioactive contamination and thermal pollution, effect of pollutants on the global atmosphere, environmental control technologies, selection, evaluation and application of control devices for emission and control from chemical and petrochemical industries.

CHE 322 Heat Transfer (4 Cr.: 2-2-2)

This course covers: introduction and mechanisms of heat transfer, steady-state heat conduction, unsteady-state heat conduction (lumped analysis), principles of convection, empirical relations for natural and forced convection, boiling and condensation, radiation heat transfer, heat transfer equipments, classification and applications of different heat exchangers in process industries, selection criteria for heat exchangers, design of double pipe heat exchanger (including extended surfaces). Weekly relevant lab experiments are conducted to understand the theory part.

CHE 323 Mass Transfer (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

The course covers: fundamentals and basic concepts of mass transfer, steady-state and unsteady-state molecular diffusion, convective mass transfer, interface mass transfer, mass transfer theories, mass transfer equipments, humidification and dehumidification, drying, leaching.

CHE 324 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: thermodynamic properties of fluids, applications of thermodynamics to flow processes, the framework of solution thermodynamics, mixing processes, phase equilibrium, thermodynamic formulations for vapor/liquid equilibrium, chemical-reaction equilibria.

CHE 411 Fundamentals of Material Science (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: introduction to materials science, atomic structure and bonding, crystal structures, Atomic disordering solids, mechanical properties of metals, ceramics, and polymers, phase diagrams and engineering alloys, polymeric, ceramic and composite materials, select suitable material for equipment structure .

CHE 412 Process integration and Optimization (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: utility energy targets, composite curves, the heat recovery pinch, the threshold problems, the problem table algorithm, process constraints, utility selection, optimum heat exchanger network design, multi-utility using grand composite curve, mathematical modeling optimization (linear program, nonlinear program, integer program, mixed integer program), software packages in optimization.

CHE 413 Separation Process I (4 Cr.: 2-2-2)

This course covers: properties and characterization of solid particles, storage of solids, size reduction, drag and drag coefficients, flow through beds of solids, mechanics of particle motion, settling, fluidization, screening, filtration, gravity sedimentation processes, separation by centrifuges, separation by cyclones. Weekly relevant lab experiments are conducted to understand the theory part.

CHE 414 Chemical Reaction Engineering (4 Cr.: 2-2-2)

This course covers: mole balances, conversion and reactor sizing, rate laws and stoichiometry, design of isothermal reactors (batch, CSTR, PBR, and plug flow), collection and analysis of rate data, multiple reactions, steady-state non-isothermal reactor design (batch, CSTR, PBR, and plug flow). Weekly relevant lab experiments are conducted to understand the theory part.

CHE 421 Petroleum Refining Engineering (4 Cr.: 2-2-2)

This course covers: origin and composition of petroleum, crude oil analysis and evaluation, petroleum products and their uses, refinery structure, refinery operations and processes, atmospheric and vacuum distillation, fluid catalytic cracking, reforming, hydro-desulfurization and hydrotreating, chemical treatment, asphalt production, lube oils production, refinery utilities, waste treatment, standards and specifications,  typical design calculations of processes and important equipment, recent developments in heavy oil processing. Weekly relevant lab experiments are conducted to understand the theory part.

CHE 422 Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering (3 Cr.: 2-2-0)

This course covers: coding and simulation tools for the solution of chemical and process engineering problems including MATLAB coding, steady-state simulation of selected unit operations and process flow-sheets using software packages such as Aspen Plus or HYSYS or CHEMICAD. Weekly relevant computational lab is conducted to understand the theory part.

CHE 423 Chemical Process Design I (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: introducing the chemical process and plant layout, diagrams for understanding chemical processes, structure and synthesis of process flow diagrams (PFD), design considerations for batch processing, understanding process conditions, utilizing experience-based principles to confirm the suitability of a process design, synthesis of the PFD from the generic block flow diagram (BFD), synthesis of a process using a simulator.



CHE 424 Separation Process II (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: review vapor-liquid equilibria, flash distillation, column binary distillation, mccabe-thiele and ponchon-savarit methods, exact and short cut methods for multicomponent distillation, batch distillation, immiscible extraction, evaporation, adsorption, ion exchange, computer simulation will be used to solve different type of distillation problems throughout the course, reverse osmosis, membrane classification and design.

CHE 425 Process Control (4 Cr.: 2-2-2)

This course covers: introduction to practical and theoretical aspects of process control, process modeling, transfer functions, dynamics of open-loop systems, feedback control system, instruments of control system, control laws (P, PI, PD and PID), block diagrams, dynamics of closed-loop systems, stability analysis, tuning of controllers, frequency analysis, Bode stability, cascade control, feed-forward control, other control schemes. Weekly relevant lab experiments are conducted to understand the theory part.

CHE 426 Field Training (0 Cr.: 0-0-90)

In this training course all students in the program must participate in an approved training program in the relevant industry. At the completion of training each student must submit a formal report and conduct an oral presentation. Students are evaluated on their performance by field supervisor and program committee before receiving a grade of Pass or Fail. The training is performed during the summer vacation at the fourth year under the supervision of a signed faculty and field members.

CHE 511 Process safety (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: the fundamentals of chemical process safety including hazard identification, risk assessment, accident modelling, toxicology, industrial hygiene, source models, fires and explosions, relief systems, and process safety management.



CHE 512 Chemical Process Design II (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: detailed design procedures for shell and tube heat exchanger for single phase flow, detailed design procedures for air coolers, staged and packed column design, absorption and stripping, pressure vessels and storage equipment.


CHE 513 Graduation Project I (2 Cr.: 0-0-4)

This course is the first part of a sequence of two courses (CHE513, CHE523) that constitute the graduation project. The goal of this course is development intellectual, technical and creative abilities of students to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information. In this part, the student is expected to conduct a preparatory study of the literature and data collection in a in a particular area of chemical engineering such as petroleum, petrochemicals, chemical industries and water desalination under the supervision of a faculty member. The course includes preliminary feasibility study, preparation of process, flow diagram, material and energy balances. The project team develops work plans including tasks, responsibilities, leaderships and discussions dealing with special engineering topics of current interest to expand their personal knowledge and explore careers and apply learning to real life situations will serve to benefit the students’ growth and promote lifelong learning. The student will have weekly group meetings to discuss their progress and any problems being encountered. At the end of the semester, students are asked to write a report and make an oral presentation.

CHE 521 Corrosion Engineering (2 Cr.: 2-0-0)

This course covers: basic concepts of corrosion, corrosion principles, forms of corrosion, thermodynamic and kinetics of corrosion, material selection for different environments, corrosion testing and monitoring, corrosion prevention and control.

CHE 522 Economics of Chemical Plants (3 Cr.: 2-0-2)

This course covers: the economic nature of chemical process, engineering economic analysis of chemical processes with particular emphasis on estimation of chemical engineering equipment costs, capital cost, estimation of cost of manufacturing, time value of money, depreciation, cash flow,  payback, profitability, and financial analysis, methods for decision making among alternatives. Alternative investments and replacements, materials transfer, handling, and treatment equipment costs.

CHE 523 Graduation Project II (3 Cr.: 0-0-6)

The major goals of this course are development of general engineering skills and judgment needed in the solution of open-ended problems from a technical-economic viewpoint. The graduation project enables the students to plan and implement their work using engineering skills that have been learned during their study. In this part, the student should complete the same project started in CHE 513 with more details in design and calculations under the supervision of one of the faculty members. The course also covers arrange of data collection, equipment sizing (design), selection of materials of construction, pre-construction cost estimate, control, safety and environment, conclusion and recommendation. The student will have weekly group meetings to discuss their progress and any problems being encountered. At the end of the semester, students are asked to write a report and make an oral presentation with the presence of faculty members and other audients.

CHE 514 Heterogeneous Reactor Engineering (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: basic definitions and classification of catalysts, nature and mechanism of catalytic reactions, adsorption processes, catalyst preparation and catalyst characterization, mass and heat transport effects in catalysis, catalyst deactivation, data analysis for heterogeneous catalytic reactors such as fixed- and fluidized-bed reactors.

CHE 515 Introduction to Biochemical Engineering (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers:  Introduction to microbiology and biochemistry, enzyme engineering, enzyme kinetics, biomass production in cell cultures, preparation of cell culture media, fermentation systems, sterilization, agitation and aeration, design and scale-up of biochemical reactors, industrial bioseparation processes.



CHE 516 Water Treatments (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: water quality, sedimentation, thickening and flotation, filtration and centrifugation, adsorption, membrane separation processes, chemical equilibria in aqueous systems, coagulation, ion exchange, oxidation and disinfection.

CHE 517 Natural Gas Processing (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: overview of natural and refinery gases, liquefied petroleum gases, hydrate formation and inhibition, sweetening and dehydration, sulfur dioxide removal, conversion of gas impurities, removal of nitrogen compounds from gas streams, liquefaction processes, sulfur recovery, transportation, storage and regasification, equipment sizing, selection and design.

CHE 518 Petrochemical Industries (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: overview of the petrochemical industry, raw materials for the petrochemical industry, production of the basic petrochemical feed stocks, petrochemical derivatives based on methane, ethylene, propylene, butylene, benzene, toluene, and xylene, key process equipment, operating conditions.

CHE 519 Extractive Metallurgy (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: scope of extractive metallurgy, chemistry of metals, classification of metals, classification of ores and ore preparation, extraction of metals from ores, pyrometallurgy (copper and iron) and hydrometallurgy (Cu, Al, Au, and U), unit operations and technology aspects, thermodynamics and kinetics of extractive processes.

CHE 524 Water Desalination (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: physical and chemical properties of sea water, scale formation and control, distillation processes, membrane processes, energy consumption in the different desalting systems, economics of desalinated water.


CHE 525 Wastewater Treatment (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: Introduction to wastewater treatment processes, classification and characterization of wastewaters, pretreatment and primary treatment of wastewaters, theory and practice of aeration in wastewater treatment, secondary treatment, activated sludge process, aerobic and anaerobic waste treatment processes, sludge treatment and disposal, tertiary treatment of wastewaters.

CHE 526 Polymer Science and Technology (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: structure, physical properties, classification and application of polymers, fundamentals of polymer synthesis (addition and condensation polymers), mechanisms and kinetics of polymerization reactions, polymerization techniques, properties of polymeric materials and polymers reinforced by fibers, polymers manufacturing techniques, polymer rheology, methods of polymer fabrication (casting, blow molding, injection molding, extrusion), polymeric solutions, degradation.

CHE 527 Chemical Industries (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: Introduction to the chemical industries, raw materials of the chemical industry, fundamentals of chemical and metallurgical industries, study of selected industries such as sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, ammonia and nitric acid, nitrogen, fertilizers industries, industrial gases, ceramic, cement and glass industries, chloro-alkali, case studies on industries related to consumer products such as soap and detergent.

CHE 528 Pharmaceutical Industries (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: fundamentals and processes in the pharmaceutical industry, manufacture of conventional solid and liquid dosage forms, mixing, granulation, tableting, coating, encapsulation, and crystallization.

CHE 529 Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (3 Cr.: 3-0-0)

This course covers: topics from the broad area of chemical engineering are selected depend on the instructor specialization and/or students’ needs and/or contemporary issues. The title and course contents of the topic must be approved by the Department’s Council and pre-announced by the Department of Chemical Engineering one semester in advance.


المراجع الاساسية للقسم:

المراجع والكتب الاساسية لتخصص الهندسة الكيميائية موضح في الجدول الاتي:




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Fundamentals of Desalination, El-Sayed, Y.M. and Silver, R. S., Academic Press(last edition)


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