Civil Engineering


Overview Of Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering at the College of Engineering and Petroleum (CEP) was founded in 2005/2006. The Department offers a five–year undergraduate civil engineering program. As for the rationales of the establishment of the Department, the University and CEP seek to prepare qualified civil engineers to carry out the comprehensive development plans that our country witnesses. A number of courses are taught in order to graduate well-rounded and high qualified civil engineers in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
Civil Engineering has great significance in advancing the urban development of our country as the effects of the civil engineer are reflected in all development plans and various engineering projects. The civil engineer works to design, construct, and maintain various engineering facilities such as buildings, bridges, reservoirs, dams, roads, water supply networks, irrigation and drainage. He/she also has an effective role in designing and managing various transport systems, handling various water sources, methods of sewage treatment and reuse, solving soil problems in terms of construction, besides, managing engineering projects, cost analysis and various construction methods.

Heads of the Department

Name Nationality Duration

Mohamed Abdullah Al-Saqqaf


2005 – 2007

 Saeed Ali Bin Mazroa



 Mohamed Saeed Marei


2009 – 2013

Saeed Ali Bin Mazroa



 Khalid Hamoud Bayaqoub



 Mushaal Ahmed Sheban


2015 – until now


Our mission is to prepare outstanding civil engineers locally and regionally, conduct scientific researches, cope with scientific development, career updates, and community service through high quality programs, encourage creativity and innovation, and strengthen partnership with related institutions and public bodies.


Preparing outstanding engineers locally and regionally in the field of Civil Engineering by keeping pace with scientific and profession developments, conducting research, serving community and encouraging creativity and innovation in the field of specialization.


The objectives of the Civil Engineering program are to see our graduates (within 3-5 years after graduation) to become:

    • Excel successfully in civil Engineering, and other related industries.
    • Be recognized as critical, creative, and independent thinker who has team work, leadership, and communication skills.
    • Be sensitive to social, ethical, and technical implications of their work as it effects environment, safety, and health of citizen globally.
    • Be able to engage successfully in long life learning and further studies.

Faculty’s Programs

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Description of Courses :

Civil Engineering Curriculum
 No Course Code Course Title L P T Cr  No Course Code Course Title L P T Cr
FIRST YEAR 1 ARAB111 Arabic Language (1) 2 2 1 ARAB121 Arabic Language (2) 2 2
2 ENG 111 English Language (1) 2 2 2 ENG 121 English Language (2) 2 2
3 ISLAM 111 Islamic Culture (1) 2 2 3 ISLAM 121 Islamic Culture (2) 2 2
4 CSC 111 Computer Skills 1 2 2 4 MATH121 Integral Calculus 2 2 3
5 MATH111 Differential Calculus 2 2 3 5 PHYS125 General Physics  (2) 2 2 3
6 PHYS111 General Physics  (1) 2 2 3 6 COE 126 Computer Programming 2 2 3
7 CE111 Descriptive Geometry 2 2 3 7 CHEM111 General Chemistry 2 2 3
Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours   18
SECOND YEAR 1 MATH 211 Vectors and Matrices 2 2 3 1 COM221 Communication Skills 2 1 2
2 ENGL212 Technical Writing 2 2 2 MATH221 Differential Equations 2 2 3
3 CE211 Surveying (1) 2 2 3 3 CE221 Civil Engineering Materials 2 2 3
4 CE212 Civil Engineering Drawing 2 2 3 4 CE222 Strength of Materials 2 2 3
5 CE213 Statics 2 2 3 5 CE223 Electrical and Sanitary installation 2 2
6 CE214 Engineering Geology 2 2 3 6 CE224 Surveying (2) 2 2 3
Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours   16
THIRD YEAR 1 MATH311 Engineering  Probability and Statistics 2 2 3 1 MATH321 Numerical Methods 2 2 3
2 CE311 Concrete Technology 2 2 3 2 CE321 Reinforced Concrete (1) 2 2 3
3 CE312 Structural Analysis (1) 2 2 3 3 CE322 Structural Analysis ( 2 ) 2 2 3
4 CE313 Fluid Mechanics 2 2 3 4 CE323 Hydrology 2 2 3
5 CE314 Soil Mechanics (1) 2 2 3 5 CE324 Hydraulics 2 2 3
 6 CE315 Building Construction 2 2 3 6 CE325 Soil Mechanics (2) 2 2 3
Total Credit Hours 18 Total Credit Hours  18
FOURTH YEAR 1 SRM411 Scientific Research methodology 2 2 1 GE421 Professional Ethics 2 2
2 GE411 Engineering Economy 2 2 2 CE421 Reinforced Concrete (3) 2 2 3
3 CE411 Management  of Engineering Projects 2 2 3 3 CE422 Sanitary Engineering (2) 2 2 3
4 CE412 Reinforced Concrete (2) 2 2 3 4 CE423 Foundation Engineering 2 2 3
5 CE413 Steel Structures 2 2 3 5 CE424 Specifications and Quantity Surveying 2 2 3
6 CE414 Sanitary Engineering (1) 2 2 3 6 CE425 Transportation And Traffic Engineering (2) 2 2 3
CE415 Transportation And Traffic Engineering (1) 2 2 3 7 CE426 Field Training 0
Total Credit Hours 19 Total Credit Hours   17
FIFTH YEAR 1 CE511 Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures 3 3 1 CE5XX Elective (3) x x x 3
2 CE512 Irrigation Engineering 2 2 3 2 CE5XX Elective (4) x x x 3
3 CE5XX Elective (1) x x x 3 3 CE521 Graduation Project (2) 6 3
4 CE5XX Elective (2) x x x 3 4    
5 CE512 Graduation Project (1) 4 2      
Total Credit Hours 14 Total Credit Hours   9

Cr: Credit T: Tutorial P: Practical

Course Code Course Title L P T Cr
ARAB111 Arabic Language (1) 2 0 0 2
This course covers the following topics: Listening/Speaking skills , Reading , Spell writing and grammars and literature.
ENG 111 English Language (1) 2 0 0 2
ISLAM 111 Islamic Culture (1) 2 0 0 2
يعالج هذا المقرر مفهوم الثقافة الإسلامية ومصادره وخصائصها إضافة إلى دراسة مصادر العقيدة الإسلامية وأركان الإيمان والمخاطر الدخيلة على الثقافة والعقيدة الإسلامية وهي الغزو الفكري وتيارات الغزوات وكذلك العسكري.
CSC 111 Computer Skills 1 2 0 2
This course is essential and compulsory for all student of first level for Engineering faculty. This course to provide student fundamental concept of programming. it teaches them how to write program to solve simple problem structured type programming, after completion of this course student shall  develop applications using C++ language
MATH111 Differential Calculus 2 0 2 3
This course is a collage requisite compulsory course. It deals with the one variable differential calculus and covers Limits and Continuity: The Concept of Limit, Computation of Limits, Continuity and its Consequences, Limits Involving Infinity. Differentiation: The Concept of Derivative, Techniques of Differentiation, The Chain Rule, Derivatives of Exponential,  Logarithmic and  Trigonometric Functions, Implicit Differentiation, Inverse Trigonometric Functions,  Hyperbolic  and inverse Hyperbolic Functions.. Applications of Differentiation: The Mean Value Theorem,  Maximum and Minimum Values, Increasing and Decreasing Functions, Concavity  , Optimization L’Hopital’s rule and Indeterminate Forms, Related Rates, Differentials and Approximations, Antderivatives
PHYS111 General Physics  (1) 2 2 0 3
This course covers the basic concepts in general physics as a faculty requirement. It is a pre-requisite for general Physics 2 (PHYS 121). It starts with units and dimensions in addition to vectors and dynamics of bodies.  Then the work, energy and power will be introduced. After that the circular and S.H.M, Fluids, Mechanical properties of matter will be studied. Finally, the geometrical optics, temperature and heat will be covered. This course is essential and compulsory for the students of the first level.
CE111 Descriptive Geometry 2 0 2 3
This course covers the basic topics of the descriptive geometry which include  projection types, point representation, straight line representation, plane representation.
Other advanced topics will be included in this course such as the basic techniques for locating, measurements, tangent planes for common solids ( cone, cylinder ) and objects rotational intersection representation.
ARAB121 Arabic Language (2) 2 0 0 2
This course covers the following topics: Linguistic structure , Numbers in the Arabic language, Technical writing styles, Arabic dictionaries And Poetry selections.
ENG 121 English Language (2) 2 0 0 2
ISLAM 121 Islamic Culture (2) 2 0 0 2
يعالج هذا المقرر الدراسي القضايا الفكرية والثقافية للحضارة الإنسانية وفق منظور إسلامي ومن هذه القضايا الفكر السياسي الإسلامي وأهم قضايا الحكم وعلاقة الحاكم بالمحكوم ثم قضايا حقوق الإنسان والمرأة والمجتمع والمفاهيم الاقتصادية ومفهوم الاقتصاد الإسلامي ثم بعض المصطلحات الشائعة وتصحيح مفاهيمها وبوادر الصحوة الإسلامية المعاصرة ودور المسلم في التعامل مع هذه القضايا والمفاهيم.
MATH121 Integral Calculus 2 0 2 3
This Course deals with fundamental theorem of calculus, definite and indefinite integral, Numerical integration, techniques of integration, theorems of integration and applications of integrals for finding areas, volumes, work and arc length. Moreover, indeterminate forms, improper integrals and polar coordinates are given here. It is also apre-requisite course of Mathematics for Engineering Students and Statics. The importance of this course comes from the supporting applications and utilization of applying mathematical skills in many related programs. This course is one of the faculty compulsory courses.
PHYS125 General Physics  (2) 2 2 0 3
This course continuing covers the basic concepts in general physics as a faculty requirement. It starts with wave motion and sound.  Then the electricity (electrostatic & electrodynamics) will be introduced. After that the magnetism and atomic structure will be studied. Finally, the electric conduction in gases and the physics of semiconductors will be covered. This course is essential and compulsory for the students of first level and it will be used as a basic for the next specialist subjects such as fluid mechanics and heat transport operations.
COE 126 Computer Programming 2 2 0 3
This course is essential and compulsory for all student of first level for Engineering faculty. This course to provide student fundamental concept of programming. it teaches them how to write program to solve simple problem structured type programming, after completion of this course student shall  develop applications using C++ language
CHEM111 General Chemistry 2 2 0 3
This course provides the students with an elementary principles of chemistry, atomic structure, mass relation in chemistry, electronic structure and periodic table, chemical bonding, acids an bases, and introduction in nuclear chemistry.
MATH 211 Vectors and Matrices 2 0 2 3
This course covers the basic concepts of vectors and surfaces, vectors differential calculus, functions in two or three variables (limits and continuity, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, tangent planes and linear approximations, the chain rule, directional derivatives, gradient vector, maximum and minimum values of functions of two or three variables, Lagrange multipliers), matrix algebra, systems of linear equations and determinates. Math 101 is the background of this course.
ENGL212 Technical Writing 2 0 0 2
This course covers the characteristics and uses of technical writing in professional settings. The course introduces student to the major concepts of technical writing, including audience analysis, collaboration and document design. The course focuses on written, typed and oral communication in relationship to letters, memos, resumes, and formal reports. The intent of this class is to prepare students for the type of professional communication they are likely to engage in during their first post college jobs and beyond. The class will provide opportunities for students to build on their technical writing skills.
CE211 Surveying (1) 2 2 0 3
This course introduces an introduction about surveying science and It will explain the basic concepts of the surveying. The course covers surveying units, theory of errors, surveying equipments, distance measurements, leveling works, angles and directions, Traverses types and calculations, coordinates and its calculations.
CE212 Civil Engineering Drawing 2 0 2 3
This course focuses on providing the student with the necessary civil engineering drawing skills which include preparing standard drawings and detailed layouts and good understanding of drawings and professional handling of them. Also, this course covers the different types of projections for structures and buildings, as well as sections and detailing for structural members (foundations, columns, bridges, slabs, walls), in addition to earth work constructions, water structures, retaining walls and metal drawings.
CE214 Engineering Geology 2 2 0 3
COM221 Communication Skills 2 0 1 2
MATH221 Differential Equations 2 0 2 3
This course covers  the basic concepts of differential equations such as types, order , degree, types of solutions,  differential equations of first order and first degree and then linear differential equations of first order and their solutions, and applications. Recognition of linear differential equations of higher order and finding their solutions by general and short methods, as well as undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters methods for finding the particular integral. System of linear equations with constant coefficients. Then studying linear differential equations with variable coefficients, homogeneous and non homogeneous and their solutions using power series. Study Fourier series, Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform and how to use them to solve initial-value problems.
CE221 Civil Engineering Materials 2 2 0 3
This course provides civil engineering students with knowledge about construction materials specifications and standard tests before and during construction projects.
A good understanding of materials specifications gives the student the ability to effectively apply them in the structural design, which reduces damage to the applied materials and related costs.
In this course, the student studies the standard types and tests of common construction materials such as stone, brick, cement, concrete, steel, insulation/sealing materials, paint, gypsum and wood.
CE222 Strength of Materials 2 0 2 3
CE223 Electrical and Sanitary installation 2 0 0 2
CE224 Surveying (2) 2 0 2 3
This course covers total station instrument, areas planning and computations, volumes and quantities computations, horizontal curves, vertical curves, surveying maps, introduction in digital surveying systems and GPS systems, prepare surveying projects, site survey and setting out works.
MATH311 Engineering  Probability and Statistics 2 0 2 3
This course covers the fundamentals of probability theory and statistics used in engineering and applied science. The course begins with an introduction to statistics and data analysis. Then the probability topics will be covered which include; basic probability, random variables, mathematical expectations, discrete and continues probability distributions. Finally, the basic statistics topics will be discussed such as sample distribution and statistical inference; point and confidence interval estimation, hypothesis tests, and linear regression. The course is very important since it deals with variability, uncertainty and complexity in engineering, business, and many real-life applications. This course is a faculty requirement course.
CE311 Concrete Technology 2 2 0 3
This course focuses on: Concrete constituents ; fresh concrete properties; factors affecting fresh concrete ; concrete strength and durability, concrete mix design.
CE312 Structural Analysis (1) 2 0 2 3
This is an introductory course covering types of structures and loads, analysis of statically determinate structures, axial force, bending moment and shearing force diagrams, influence lines of statically determinate beams and frames, introduction to applying computer programs.
CE313 Fluid Mechanics 2 2 0 3
This course provides the student with the ability to calculate fluids pressure forces on structures. This course also deals with the following topics: fluids and their physical properties, fluid static and fluid equilibrium, Pascal’s law and its applications, pressure measurement, pressure on flat and curved surfaces, equilibrium of floating bodies, basic concepts of fluid motion, continuity equation And Bernoulli’s equation.
CE314 Soil Mechanics (1) 2 2 0 3
This course aims at providing students with the ability to identify soil properties for use as a basis for engineering structures. This course focus on Origin of Soil and Grain Size, Weight–Volume Relationships, Classification of Soil, Soil Compaction. Permeability and Seepage, and Stresses in a Soil Mass.
CE315 Building Construction 2 0 2 3
This course aims to explain the basic stages of the construction process of buildings, which include determining soil properties, earthworks, locating the building axes, construction process of the structural elements (foundations, columns, bridges, slabs, stairs and walls) , building fixtures and equipment (elevators, doors and windows and  joints), finishes and insulation.
The course also includes topics such as the common traditional and modern construction systems and the building types in addition to related activities such as reports, presentations and site visits.
MATH321 Numerical Methods 2 0 2 3
This course covers the numerical methods for solving problems arising in engineering fields. Methods include; solving nonlinear equations, solving sets of equations, interpolation and curve fitting, numerical integration and differentiation, and solution of ordinary differential equations. All methods are presented within the context of the program engineering problems. This course is very important since it gives an alternative solutions for the engineering problems where their analytical solutions are very difficult to obtain or not exists. This course is a faculty requirement compulsory course.
CE321 Reinforced Concrete (1) 2 0 2 3
This course aims to provide an introductory concepts of reinforced concrete and codes of practices, focusing on design of reinforced concrete elements using the limit state design theory. This includes behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected to bending, bending and shear and design for torsion.
CE322 Structural Analysis ( 2 ) 2 0 2 3
This course focuses on: Statically indeterminate structures, approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures, analysis of statically indeterminate beams, frames and trusses by the flexibility method, influence lines
CE323 Hydrology 2 0 2 3
This course provides the student with the ability to calculate the flows of torrents and rivers resulting from rainstorms which is necessary to design culverts and bridges and to calculate dams storage capacities.
This course also includes the following topics: the hydrological cycle, climatic variables, characteristics of the land water basins, surface runoff, flows, hydrological statistics and measurements and the groundwater.
CE324 Hydraulics 2 2 0 3
This course focus on: Rate of discharge, Equation of continuity of a liquid flow, Energy of a liquid in motion, Bernoulli’s theorem ; Flow through pipes, Types of flows in a pipe, Loss of head in pipes, H.G.L. & T.E.L, Flow through Syphon pipes, Discharge through a compound pipes ; Viscous flow through pipes, Coefficient and Units of Viscosity, Kinematic viscosity, Classification of viscous flows, Reynolds number; Uniform & Non-uniform flow throw open channels, Types of flows in open channels, Discharge through an open channel, Discharge through a circular channel, channels of most economical cross-section.
CE325 Soil Mechanics (2) 2 0 2 3
This course aims at providing students with the ability to identify soil properties for use as a basis for engineering structures. This course focus on : Lateral Earth Pressure, Shear Strength of Soil, Soil Bearing Capacity for Shallow Foundations , Compressibility of Soil and Slope Stability
SRM411 Scientific Research methodology 2 0 0 2
This course will give students clear understanding on principles of scientific research and integrate their knowledge and skills to prepare them for graduate and professional level projects. The course will cover key issues in the research methodology including overview of research and its methodologies and ethical principles, literature review, selecting and defining a research problem, conducting the research and writing research proposals and reports. Students are expected to participate actively in the course as a basis for small group discussion within the classroom or as preparatory work, write and present minor projects.
GE411 Engineering Economy 2 0 0 2
The course focuses on the efficient allocation of scarce resources in circumstances in which alternatives can be enumerated. The course provides engineers with skills to assess the costs and benefits of engineering investments, such as product and technology development programs and capital purchases. It will also provide the framework for selecting among alternative designs, for managing technologies over their lifecycles, and for evaluating the finances of new ventures
CE411 Management  of Engineering Projects 2 0 2 3
This course aims to make the civil engineering student able to supervise the construction projects according to standards and designs. This ability will be formed by good understanding and applying of project supervising tasks such as ( financial & payments management, timetable control, approval reports).
In this course, the student studies the relationship between good management and economic benefits  and profits through the four basic steps of project preparation :
Investigations, Design, Documentation and Execution.
CE412 Reinforced Concrete (2) 2 0 2 3
This course focuses on: Design of continuous reinforced concrete beams, design of one- way solid slabs, design of two-way solid slabs, design of reinforced concrete short columns, design of reinforced concrete slender columns, design of reinforced concrete biaxial bent columns .
CE413 Steel Structures 2 0 2 3
This course focuses on the basic principles and concepts of steel structures through the basic knowledge of the of steel material properties and steel elements, in addition to knowledge of the loads conditions and structural design for the simple steel elements.
In this course, design principles according to limit state and its considerations will be addressed, as well as the basic loading cases of steel structural elements (tensile / axial stress) and the structural design of trusses and welded steel connections.
CE414 Sanitary Engineering (1) 2 0 2 3
This course focus on: Water Systems, sources of water, water supply systems ; Water Demand and Quantity, design period, population forecast, factors affecting population growth, water demand, factors affecting rate of demand, variation in rate of demand; Conveyance of Water, pipes, cast iron pipes, galvanized iron pipes, steel pipes, cement concrete pipes, plastic pipes, stresses in pipes, corrosion in pipes, head loss through pipes ; Distribution of Water, methods of distribution, pressure in distribution mains, systems of water supply, storage and distribution reservoirs, types of storage and distribution reservoirs, capacity of distribution reservoir, layout of distribution system, design of distribution system, analysis of pressure in distribution system, sections method, equivalent line method, hardy cross method.
GE421 Professional Ethics 2 0 0 2
CE421 Reinforced Concrete (3) 2 0 2 3
This course focus on: Flat slabs design; Two-way ribs slabs design; Corbels and cantilever beams design; Stairs design.
CE422 Sanitary Engineering (2) 2 0 2 3
This course focus on: Collection and Conveyance of Sewage, systems of waste and sewage disposal, conveyance system, water carriage system, comparison and choice of the two systems, classification of water carriage system ; Wastewater Flow Rates, dry weather flow, factors affecting dry weather flow, variation in rate of sewage, storm water flow, rational method, empirical formulae ; Hydraulic Design of Sewers, hydraulic formulae, nomograms/tables for hydraulic computations, minimum velocity of flow, maximum velocity of flow, hydraulic elements of circular sewers, storm water drains  ; Construction of Sewers, Types of sewers, materials for sewers, joints in sewers, shapes of sewers, forces on sewers, loads on sewers due to back fill, safe supporting strength and bedding conditions, planning of sewerage system, layout and construction of sewer lines, testing of sewer lines, cleaning and maintenance of sewers, ventilation of sewers ; Sewer Appurtenances, Inlets , catch basins or catch pits, clean outs, manholes, drop manhole, , lamp holes, flushing tanks, grease and oil traps, inverted siphons, storm regulators ; Sewage Pumping, problems in sewage pumping, pumping stations, types of pumps, power for pumps
CE423 Foundation Engineering 2 0 2 3
This course aims to make the student able to determine and design the different types of the shallow foundations. The following topics will be included: Basic types of the shallow foundations , Isolated foundation design, Combined foundation design, Strip foundation design, Strap foundation design and mat foundation design.
CE424 Specifications and Quantity Surveying 2 0 2 3
This course focuses on the general and related specifications of regular constructions, sanitary, electrical and mechanical works. The student will be also familiar with the authorities responsible for monitoring the specifications and implementing their regulations. The description of construction materials and calculation of construction works quantities will be covered in this course. Related to economic issues, the students will be familiar with methods of construction works cost estimating, works units and the project total cost estimating.
CE425 Transportation And Traffic Engineering (2) 2 2 0 3
This course focuses on the construction process of roadways including materials, design and technology of construction.
The main topics in this course are: Soil investigations and tests, Soil compaction, Bituminous materials and tests, Bituminous mix design, Flexible / Rigid pavement design, Construction technologies and Quality control.
CE426 Field Training 0 0 0 0
A continuous period of 90 working hours of field training spent in a related organization, provides the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The training also helps students gain a clearer sense of what they still need to learn and provides an opportunity to build professional networks. On completion of the training, the student is required to submit a formal written report to the department. Also, students should conduct a technical presentation in present of the selected committee. The students are required to perform a field training during summer holidays after fourth year under supervision of signed faculty member and field supervisor.
CE511 Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures 3 0 0 3
This course focuses on many topics including:
Reasons of defects and performance downgrading in RC constructions.
Defects and failure preventing procedures.
Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures methods.
Repair and rehabilitation materials.
CE512 Irrigation Engineering 2 0 2 3
In this course, water resources and methods of  their exploitation will be discussed. The students will be familiar with crops needs of water and methods of water needs estimating. Related to the irrigation issues, the course focuses on irrigation water distribution, irrigation rate, Surface irrigation methods,  Sub-surface irrigation methods, sprinkler irrigation methods, drip irrigation methods and quality of irrigation water. Studies of both small and large irrigation projects also will be discussed.
CE513 Graduation Project (1) 0 4 0 2
“This course is the first part of a sequence of two courses that constitute the BSc graduation project. The graduation project challenges students to go beyond the learning that occurs as the result of their prescribed educational program by developing projects that demonstrate their intellectual, technical and creative abilities to apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate information, and communicate significant knowledge and comprehension. In this part, the student is expected to conduct a preparatory studies of the literature and data collection in a particular area of concentration and under the supervision of one of the faculty members. The course covers directed readings in the literature of related engineering discipline, introduction to research methods, team discussions dealing with special engineering topics of current interest to expand their personal knowledge and explore careers and apply learning to real life situations will serve to benefit the students’ growth and promote lifelong learning. The student will write a technical report and deliver oral presentations. “
CE5XX Elective (1) x x x 3
CE5XX Elective (2) x x x 3
CE521 Graduation Project (2) 0 6 0 3
This course is the second part of a sequence of two courses that constitute the BSc graduation project. The graduation project enables the students to plan and implement  their work using engineering skills that have been learned during their prescribed educational program. In this part, the student is expected to follow up what has been performed in project-I under the supervision of one of the faculty members. The course covers arranging for data collection, design, environment, economic and analyze results in a particular  area  of   concentration.  The  student  will  have weekly  group  meetings  to  discuss  their progress and any problems being encountered. At the end of the semester, students are asked to write a report and make an oral presentation with the presence of faculty members as referees.
CE5XX Elective (3) x x x 3
CE5XX Elective (4) x x x 3