Social Fund for Development &HU Center for training students hold A training Program in occupational safety for Engineering students


Under the patronage of the President of Hadhramout University; Prof. Mohammed Saeed Khanbash, the University Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs , Prof. Salem Muhammad bin Salman, the General Director of the Social Fund for Development in Mukalla, Dr. Awad Salem Laksem, and the Vice Dean of Engineering and Petroleum College for Student Affairs, Dr. Fahd Saleh Jawhar, inaugurated the Training program on Sunday morning March 7, 2021 in the field of "The occupational safety in the workplace", which is held in cooperation between the Hadhramout University Center for Students Training , the Social Fund for Development in Mukalla, and the Engineering College .

The program targets students of the last level in civil engineering, architectural, chemical, petroleum, electronic, and computer majors.

The General Director of the Social Fund for Development talked about the dangers that occur in the workplace, indicating that these accidents made the Fund set a set of evidence three years ago, in the occupational health and safety field. he added "the accidents that occur to workers or technicians during the conduct of their work are caused by a lack of awareness of the importance of Occupational health and safety, the absence of an educational role, and the provision of means of protection at work sites, to preserve the safety of workers at these sites".

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs described this training program as an achievement for the Hadhramout University, represented by the Student Affairs deputyship. It helps undergraduate students to receive important concepts and topics for them in their practical careers, which they may not receive on the job site. Also, he thanked the Social Fund for its support in establishing this program, and the Hadhramout University Center for Training Students to Coordinate for its Establishment, indicating that the Center has in its plan of this year a series of integrated training courses and programs in several fields, including life skills, it also seeks to provide a special program of teaching languages Including Arabic for non-native speakers, and English, which helps qualify them, and opens doors for them to learn and work.

The President of the Student Council at the Engineering College , Mr. Dhafer Al-Jabri, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the attendees, explained the importance of holding such courses for students, urged his colleagues to take advantage of this course, due to its importance in the work and occupational safety field .

Then, The first courses of the training program started , which will be held from 7-11 March, by Dr. Majid Saeed bin Ali Al-Hajj.

  The program is implemented at the rate of a training day for each department, with a diversity of concepts and information for each major, in addition to the obligation to wearing masks, leaving a distance between each student and another; To keep them safe, to confront the virus Corona epidemic.

The inauguration was attended by Eng. Zahir Mubarak Thawban, Training Coordinator at the College, Prof. Mona Ahmed Al-Amoudi, Officer of the Training and Empowerment Unit at the Social Fund for Development, Mukalla Branch, and Prof. Ghassan Ahmed Baras, Environmental and Social Protection Officer at Mukalla Branch, Prof. Mahfouz Awad Fuleihan, Director of the Dean Office of Engineering and Petroleum College , and Prof. Rushdi Ali Bamthqal College Student Activities Supervisor.