A Course on The Art of Leadership at Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum


The Art of Leadership course was held on Sunday, 9/12/2018 by Eng. Fatima Daakik; trainer of the “Success Path” program for the Encyclopedia of Arab Integration. Under the coordination of the Activities Department at the Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum, Hadhramout University,

At the beginning of the course the trainer welcomed  the audience and stated the benefits of reading and acquiring knowledge . She also talked about the concept of leadership, as well as the types of leadership in addition to the traits and the skills of a successful leader. The course also included some training exercises and additional discussions

At the end of the course, the trainer thanked the Activities Department at the faculty of Engineering and Petroleum for giving her this opportunity to present this course because it was  very important to the university students and student leaders, expressing her willingness to provide many targeted courses.

The course was attended by Dr. Fahd Saleh Jawher; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Hisham Bakerman; Deputy Dean for Quality and Community Service, Dr. Salem Baarama; Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department, and Prof.  Sheikh Al-Nakhbi; General Secretary of the faculty.

It is worth noting that the trainer Fatima Daakik is a certified trainer for Hermann Scale and the Six Thinking Hats at the International Academy for Personal Development, a member of the Leaders for Development Network – Raneen Foundation, trainer of the Success Path Program for the Encyclopedia of Arab Integration. In addition she holds  the Cambridge International Certificate in Information Technology and  a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, faculty of Engineering and Petroleum – Hadhramout University, as well as  a vocational  Master’s degree in Thinking Skills Programs – University of Life.