A lecture on the Early Detection of Breast Cancer at Engineering and Petroleum Faculty


The Activities department at Engineering and Petroleum faculty, in coordination with the Hadhramout Foundation for Cancer Control held on Tuesday 10/15/2019a lecture entitled: Early detection of breast cancer under the patronage of the faculty Deanship.

The lecture targeted the faculty students, and was delivered by Dr. Rania Bin Salah. She began her lecture with an overview of breast cancer and the importance of regular breast exam by breast self- exam or x-rays in case of the appearance of some symptoms. She also explained the symptoms of breast cancer, using the presentation of the data show, stressing the importance of mammograms in the process of detecting various types of tumors.

At the conclusion of her lecture, Dr. Rania bin Salah urged the students to pay attention to the early detection of breast cancer, and to spread health and preventive awareness among women. The lecture was attended by Eng. Maha Aboulan; Female Student Activities Officer in the faculty’s Activities Department