Saddan Foundation for Thalassemia and Hereditary Blood Diseases implements the 2nd campaign “My Smile Life” for Nursing College students


The Saddan Foundation for Thalassemia and Hereditary Blood Diseases in Mukalla implemented the second campaign “My Smile Life” for students of the Nursing College/HU. The campaign targeted more than 80 students from all academic levels in the college in the presence of Dr. Abdullah Al- Hanashi, Dean of the Nursing College, Dr. Yahya Al-Muallem and Dr. Maha bin Dahman, a member of the faculty. The “My Smile Life” campaign team provided students with an explanation of hereditary diseases and introduced them to the importance of pre-marital examination, especially since nursing students and health staff contribute to the process of spreading awareness to the community as they are associated with hospitals and health centers.

Dr. Eman Awad Hatem, President of the Saddan Foundation for Thalassemia and Hereditary Blood Diseases, with the help of Dr. Essra Maknoon, the program officer and one of the members of the Saddan volunteer team for the attendees students, presented some awareness-raising tips and advice, as well as contributing to spreading community culture among the youth group and introducing them to the necessity of conducting a pre-marital examination to avoid Transferring genetic diseases to children in the future in order for Hadhramout to be free of genetic diseases in the coming years.