A Welcome Ceremony for the 1st Level Students at HU Nursing Faculty


Dr. Abdullah Saeed Al-Hanashi; Dean of the faculty, welcomed the first-level students, wishing them success and exerting the utmost levels of diligence when he announced that the faculty leadership had approved this year for excellence in all academic, scientific and administrative activities in the faculty. He  thanks the university presidency  represented by Prof. Muhammad Saeed Khanbash; President of the University, for their finance and moral support they provide to the faculty, which is reflected in the performance and direction of it. Then he delivered a guiding speech about the rules and regulations, reviewing the rights and duties related to students, as well as the general morals for male and female students. After that, Dr. Yahya Khamis Al-Moallem; Deputy Dean, reviewed some general guidelines and the necessity of activating the scientific and student activities in the faculty in order to highlight their skills and intellectual tendencies. Moreover, the discussion was opened to explore the opinions and suggestions of the students, where the Dean of the faculty accommodated them and seek to solve some of their  problems. The meeting was attended by Mr. Fayyadh  Faraj Baamer, Secretary of the faculty, and Mr. Omar Awadh Badhlaa; Director of Student Activities Department