Health and Population Office Organizes an Awareness Lecture Entitled “AIDS” at Nursing Faculty


Nursing Faculty held an awareness lecture entitled (AIDS).  Under the generous patronage of Hadhramout  University Presidency and Students Affairs Deputyship, in line with the ongoing preparations for the celebration of the eighth university student week, In coordination with the Deanship of Nursing Faculty and the Student Council at the faculty. The lecture was presented  by Dr. Ahmed Al -Bayti, in which he talked about sexually transmitted diseases and the extent of their affects to society, and he warned against the spread of bad habits among young people, and the dire consequences of them.

On the other hand, Dr. Nawal Ba Nafae spoke about the ways of STD transmission, explaining the symptoms and signs of the presence of the virus in the body. The lecturers were received by the Deputy Dean of the Nursing Faculty, Dr. Yahya Al -Muallem, and the staff members at the faculty. It targeted all student levels. The students expressed their thanks, and their interest in such community awareness activities as it has a great impact on raising awareness and limiting the spread of theses serious diseases.