HU Awards M.A to the Researcher Mohsen Ali Saleh Bassum in Business Administration at Administrative Sciences College


The examination session was held in the examinations hall of Fuwa Colleges Complex for the master’s thesis of the researcher Mohsen Ali Saleh Bassum entitled (The impact of developing Administrative skills on organizational development at Al Rayan Specialist Hospital – a field study.). The examination committee is:

Associate Prof. Faisal Saleh Al-Jadani; Chairman and External examiner – University of Aden Associate Prof. Khalid Mohammed Al-Jabri; internal examiner – Hadhramout University Associate Prof. Mohsen Mohammed bin Kulaib, member and supervisor – Hadhramout University.

The researcher reviewed the abstract of his thesis and the field study that he conducted on Al Rayan Specialist Hospital. The examination committee praised the efforts made by the researcher in preparing the thesis, and approved awarding him a master’s degree in business administration in Administrative Sciences college, Hadhramout University.

The examination was attended by a number of scientific departments heads, staff members, college researchers, and a number of the researcher’s relatives and friends.