Al Saada Social Cultural Club Holds A Training course entitled “Time Management’


AL Saada Social and Cultural Club in Mukalla, under the generous sponsorship of Dr. Mahfouz Al-Musali, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences/HU , held a training symposium entitled Time Management, in partnership with the Top Arab Institute for Skills Development and Science, where trainer Hashem Al-Aidarous presented this symposium in the great hall of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences.

This activity comes within the framework of the activities of the Club in the scientific and training field, so as to provide students with a number of skills related to time management, especially in study times, tests, overcoming time crises, study pressures, accumulation of tasks, and identifying everything that would develop their skills and abilities in time management to achieve higher Results .

A number of students attended symposium, As Dr. Munir Khamis Al-Jadidi, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs of faculty of Administrative Sciences, expressed sincere thanks and appreciation for Al Saada Club’s efforts to serve students and society, wishing them further progress and success in all their future activities and projects.

and Prof.  Abu Bakr Saeed bin Makhashin, club’s president, extended its thanks to Dr. Mahfouz Al-Musali, and Dr. Munir Al-Jaidi, for their efforts in facilitating and supporting the club’s activities in the practical and training fields, and working to implement other programs and projects that serve students and the community. in various fields.