Academic Development and Quality Assurance Department


Tasks :

  1. To oversee the activity of quality and academic accreditation committees in colleges.
  2. To promote a culture of quality assurance and academic accreditation among members of the teaching body and the teaching auxiliary body.
  3. to conduct internal evaluation and monitor quality assurance activities.
  4. to develop and continuously improve the procedures and methods of the educational process; To ensure universal access.
  5. To develop self-evaluation capacity through: Periodic scrutiny and ongoing examination of work and related tasks at the University.
  6. To improve quality assurance of University services and output of study programmes.
  7. To achieve the principle of excellence in the performance of the mission of the University.
  8. To prepare and submit monthly reports to the Director of the Centre.
  9. to prepare the annual plan of the Service, to follow up its implementation, and to prepare and submit annual reports to the Director of the Centre.


Name Occupation Scientific Degree Telephone E-mail
Warda Ahmed Al-Mohammadi Director