The General Union of HU Students honored the offices of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor in the coast, valley and desert of Hadramout. A memorial in appreciation of their efforts in facilitating all procedures and transactions of the Union during the last period, as well as their contribution to the success of student elections at HU. Dr. Ahmed Awad Bagbir, President of the General Union of Students of HU andMr. Abdul Majeed Dayan, Public Relations Officer of the Union, honored Professor: Abdullah Ramadan Bagham, Director General of the Office of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor in the Hadhramaut Valley and Desert, and handed him a commemorative shield in appreciation of their efforts in facilitating all procedures and transactions related to the establishment of the Union General for Seiyun University students. The President of the General Union of HU Students expressed his thanks and appreciation to the offices of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor in the coast, valley and desert of Hadhramout for their efforts and support for the leadership of the union during the last period, asking them to continue to support and encourage the new leadership of the General Union during the next stage.