General Administration of Admission & Registration



The General Administration of Admission and Registration is strongly associated with most of the other administrative units at the University Presidency and all the faculties in order to serve students and the educational process. It participates actively in making regulations that are related to students, implements decisions, applies the regulations of student admission and registration, responds to their various inquiries, and provides them with certificates and documents they need since they have joined the University to their graduation.

Tasks :

  1. Preparing the procedures of admission and registration and referring them to the Student Affairs Council to discuss and to make a recommendation of the Council to the University Council to approve.
  2. Announcing when the procedures of admission and registration start annually and announcing admission tests, their results and the lists of newly admitted students to complete their procedures of registration at the first level.
  3. Implementing the decisions of Higher Admission Committee and following up the implementation of faculties.
  4. Summiting the lists of newly admitted students, along with their university identification cards and their personal files, consisting of a  certified photocopy of the student’s  secondary school certificate, ID card, passport, (or birth certificate), 4 personal photos, health fitness certificate,  in addition to a student fee.
  5. Implementing transfer procedures from one faculty to another within the University, or from one university to another, and following up their procedures academically at the relevant faculties according to the regulations.
  6. Following-up the faculties through submitting the lists of admitted students at all levels , approving them, and issuing the certificate of registration  for non-Yemeni students to renew their residence permits.
  7. Following up and implementing the decisions of University Council related to students’ issues, including the following: dropping out (or dismissing) from the university, repeating a year and addressing other decisions related to students’ affairs.
  8. Preserving and documenting students’ documents (the examination results) in paper and electronic records.
  9. Reviewing and checking the transcripts of graduates and non-graduates issued by the administration of admission and registration at the faculties which include the following (student’s name, place of birth, date, nationality, gender, specialization, registration number, course name, number of credit hours, grades and cumulative average).
  10. Coordinating with the administrations of admission and registration at the faculties to prepare the averages of  academic years which are required for graduation, and matching them with the results and averages preserved in the general administration.
  11. Preparing the lists of graduates to approve them in the Student Affairs Council and the University Council.
  12. Preparing graduation certificates for graduates and handing them over.
  13. Certifying graduates’ documents (a certified photocopy of graduation certificate and transcript).
  14. Certifying the documents of graduates who wish to continue their postgraduate studies and scientific research outside the Republic.
  15. Providing the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with the lists of University graduates annually.
  16. Providing the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with the annual statistics of admitted students at the University faculties.


N Name Job Title Telephone
1 Mohammed Ashoor Bajobeer Registrar General 00967777350941
2 Ahlam Saleh Al-thafari Deputy of the Registrar 362240
3 Saeed Abdullah Bajari Director of the General Admission & Registration 00967777678388
4 Ahmed Abdullah Bakiheel Director of the Private Admission &Registration 00967771434303
5 Fuzeeah Mohammed Bahashoan Director of the Systems and Information 362240
6 Najah Awadh Babro’os Registrar of the Science Faculties 00967771977551
7 Mohammed Saleh Baghfar Registrar of the Arts & humanities Faculties 00967770423890
8 Shoogi Awadh Foghmah Director of the Department of Registration &  Documentation 00967770368366