Clubs and Scientific Societies at Hadhramaut University

In the presence of Mr. Fahmy Badawi, Hadhramout Undersecretary for Youth Affairs,  Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Bawazeer, the Governor’s Advisor for Media Affairs,Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Attas,Director of the Office of the Heritage and Cultural Development Fund,  Dr. Munir Al-Jaidi, the Deputy Dean of the faculty of Administrative Sciences,   Dr. Adel Basdis, the Director of the Training Center at Hadhramout University, and two members of the Commission Teaching at the Department of Journalism and Media, Dr. Wajdi Bawazeer, and Professor Ahmed Zain Bahmid, and the leadership and members of the Entrepreneurs Club students OF Hadhramout University (ECSHU); Prof. Salem Mohammed Bin Salman, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, expressed his high appreciation for student activities in clubs and scientific societies, and announced the official launch of the club’s work as a qualitative addition that opens a broader horizon for university students in this field. He added: We pay great attention to all activities, that will pour its diverse and renewable bids into a great river of knowledge, science and expertise that will determine a prosperous development future in Hadhramaut in particular and in Yemen in general.

For his part, Professor Fahmy Bhanaoui said: Targeted investments to support young people in a private portfolio of about 10 billion rials for entrepreneurship would be an important incentive for high-ranking people and would provide white loans, as in the Renaissance Association, the Qataibi Bank and the Karimi Bank, noting that 240 young men and women from 18 departments had benefited from such support.

Sheikh Saleh Bauzeraouz also pointed out: Today, we are writing a good, new and influential line in the history of Hadhramaut, and we feel that ECSHU will combine the academic science of students with the experience of a generation of pioneers from their parents and those before them to the labour market.

In turn, Mr. Ahmed Al Jabri , thanked HU Student Affairs deputyship for its support and sponsorship of students at their club. And Abdullah Bawazir, the club’s chancellor, explained the idea and its steps to reach all these successes that culminated in the club’s publicity.

Promotional presentations on the margins of effectiveness were opened, featuring many different products that reflected the spirit of a number of female leaders who began to figure in the path of entrepreneurship.