The elimination rounds of the Student Creativity Awards Competition were concluded at the Ali Ahmed Bakathir Hall, in the University presidency, as part of the 13th University Student Week for 2024. The final competition was in the field of memorizing the Holy Quran and the Noble Hadith.

The students competed in the categories of memorizing the entire Quran, 20 chapters and 15 chapters. Students from the faculties of Open Education, Administrative Sciences, Arts, Women, Law, Nursing, and Sciences participated in the competition.
The judging panel was headed by Dr. Mohammed Zahhum Bajaber, Dr. Ali Mohammed Bakerman, and Prof. Yasser Hadi Bakair.
In the competition for memorizing the Noble Prophetic Hadith, the categories were 100 hadiths, 75 hadiths, and 50 hadiths. The participants were from the faculties of women, Open Education, Nursing, Administrative Sciences, and Engineering.

The judging panel was headed by Dr. Zain Mohammed Hussein Al-Aidrous, Dr. Ahmed Saqaf Al-Aidrous, and Prof. Sawsan Aboud Ali Omairan.

The closing ceremony was attended by Dr. Fayza Obaidi, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Saleh Al-Battati, Acting Chairman of the Awards Committee, Dr. Fahd Jawhar, former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Student Affairs, Mr. Zaki Ahmed Baqwiqu, General Director of Student Activities, Mr. Saeed Karama Al-Jurairi, Director of the Student Clubs Department, and Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Jafri, Assistant Deputy Director of the University for Student Affairs, as well as a group of students and interested parties.