Hadhramout University Launches the Entrance Exams for the New Academic Year 2023-2024 at Nursing Faculty


Prof. Abdullah Abdulraouf bin Thaleb, the General Director of Admission and Registration at Hadhramout University, accompanied by Dr. Abdullah Saeed Al-Hanshi, Dean of Nursing Faculty, and his deputy Dr. Yahya Khamees Al-Muallem and Mr. Fayad Baamer, the faculty Secretary checked on the progress of the entrance exams for the new academic year 2023-2024 at Nursing Faculty.

During the visit, they toured the examination halls, observing their progress. They urged the students applying for the exams to exert more effort and dedication to compete for the available seats.

The General Director of Admission and Registration praised the efforts made in organizing the examination halls, preparing the examination questions, and creating a suitable examination environment. He expressed his wishes for success and achievement to the students applying for the exams in their university studies.

