Open Day Event and Honoring Ceremony for Outstanding Students


Sponsored by Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash, President of HU.

In the presence of the University Vice president for Student Affairs, Prof. Salem Mubarak Al-Obthani, in the context of the conclusion of Student Activities Week at the faculty, done by the Deanship of the Faculty of Nursing in coordination with the  Student Council at the faculty on Thursday 8/2/2024.

Open Day Event and Honoring Ceremony for Outstanding Students.

Prof. Salem Mubarak Al-Obathani noted that these activities and student events are part of the student curriculum and said that the Student Affairs Procurator attaches great importance to highlighting the talents, creativity, and abilities of Hadhramout University students in all disciplines. The University annually launches 12 awards for students in various fields, stressing that Hadhramout University is distinguished from other universities by the establishment of these student activities, thanking graduate students for their efforts in preparing their research and graduation projects. Inviting them to participate in all international competitions held by the University to open up new prospects for students worldwide and to benefit from their experiences in all fields, affirming the support of the University’s Student Affairs Department for various activities and events that contribute to highlighting the creativity and talents of students and graduating youth leaders of the community.

Prof. Abdullah Saeed Al-Hanashi, Dean of the Nursing Faculty noted that such activities and events contribute to highlighting students’ abilities. He praised the role of the Student Council in the Faculty and stressed the need to continue this path, looking forward to continuing to see their enduring quest for students, He stated that such activities and student events are an essential part of the educational process. Noting that the Deanship of the Faculty of Nursing has developed a comprehensive plan for such activities to encourage students to participate in events, as well as training courses that contribute to the development of their student capacities.

Student/Abdullah Jamaan Bamsak, President of the College Student Council, noted that this event has an impact on highlighting the talents and abilities of the Faculty of Nursing students as well as honoring outstanding students, expressing students’ thanks and appreciation for the Faculty Deanship, Secretary-General, Administrative Staff, Admissions and Registration Department, and Activities Management. The Student Council aims to serve students, as their permanent voice in all forums.

Prof. Salem Mubarak Al-Obthani, Vice-Chancellor of the University for Student Affairs, Prof. Mohamed Saeed Khanbash, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, and Dr. Yahya Al-Maalim, Deputy Dean of and the General Secretary of the College, Administrative Staff and President of the College’s Student Council/Abdullah Jamaan Bamsak, opened of the scientific exhibition starting with the pillar of the question of Palestine, then the pillar of heritage works, With the participation of the Toxin Awareness Corner, the Art Corner containing paintings, drawings, handicrafts and calligraphy, Nursing History Corner, Antique Readership TryiaQ Club Corner, Recreational Competitions Corner, and other exhibition corners.

The open day was attended by a crowd of college students and visiting guests from other colleges, and everyone was impressed by the efforts made to make this event a success.

In conclusion, thanks go to all the Day’s supporters and coordinators.