The Resumption of the Media Professional Diploma Lectures in Mukalla

Media professionals enrolled in the Professional Diploma in Media at Open Education College have resumed the private lectures in Arabic, the language of media, presented by Prof. Abdullah Saleh Babair, Professor in Grammar and Vice President of HU for Academic Affairs, to complete the Arabic language course. He completed the lectures scheduled in Seiyun last week for media professionals enrolled in the diploma there. Next week, the participants will have an exam in Arabic language and media technology, in which Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, Professor in Media at Aden University, lectured. The participants received lectures on Arabic language and media technologies over a period of 100 hours.

From his part, Dr. Mohammed Salem bin Jamaan, Dean of Open Education College, said that this diploma is the first professional program adopted by Open Education College at HU, which will contribute significantly to providing media cadres with linguistic and technical skills in the media field. The supervisory role was represented by Mrs. Faiza Faraj Bamatraf the head of the National Women’s Committee motivating the participants. He added, “We appreciate and thank Al-Awn Foundation for Development for its generous funding for this program, out of a sense of societal responsibility towards building the capabilities of the media cadres in the governorate.” He concluded by declaring that the examinations will be in the last half of September