Media Department of Open Education Faculty / Al-MahraOn Saturday 12/24/2022, the Department of the Faculty of Open Education / Al-Mahra branch welcomed New students in all disciplines in the branch where Dr. Salem Ahmed bin Nashi, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Open Education, Director of the Al-Mahrah Branch, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the new students, and conveyed to them the greetings of the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Walid Ahmed Al-Attas, and then gave a glimpse of some of the rules, regulations, and laws that the student must pay attention to during his university career, wishing all students success.Then the branch registrar spoke. Yacoub Ali Al-Kohlani, in a detailed explanation of several topics, most notably the guiding regulations for the examination process, renewal of enrollment, cases of failure, dropouts, and other topics related to registration and admission to the university.