Raising Awareness within the Framework of Cooperation and Partnership between the Protection and Livelihood Support Project – Safe Space for Women – Mukalla and Women’s Faculty- Hadhramout University


The Protection and Livelihood Support Project; Safe Space for Women- Mukalla raised awareness of Confronting electronic extortion legally and psychologically at Women’s Faculty, Hadhramout University. It was funded by the United Nations Fund for Population Activity UNFPA by the field staff.

Dr. Najat Ahmed Bousaba, Dean of Women’s Faculty, opened the session by expressing her appreciation towards their pioneering role in providing psychological, social and legal support to protect women and improve their role in building society. Then the space supervisor welcomed the students and attendees, thanking them for joining this important awareness.

In addition, the field staff invited Mr. Muhammad Hasan Bahian; second lieutenant, and legal advisor Fatima Al-Kassadi to clarify the aspects related to the issue of extortion, how it occurs and how it can be addressed legally. It was discussed by Ms. Nora Al-Ansari, a psychoanalyst of the project, who explained how to minimize the psychological effects of extortion, as it is a form of psychological violence, which can be developed to more than one form of violence. The session was attended by Dr. Nawal Mahfoudh Marei; Deputy Dean, students of the English Language, Kindergarten, Fine Arts Departments and from the side of the safe space,  the awareness was raised in the presence of the legal specialist in the survey and a number of members of the safe space. The session concluded with a number of consultations and inquiries by the students.