Step Forum For University Women and the Student Council Organizes A Training Course on “Mental Preparation for Exams”


Step Forum For University Women and the Student Council organized a Training Course on “Mental Preparation for Exams” under the patronage of Women’s Faculty on Tuesday, December 5, 2023.

This course is organized to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be well-prepared for the examinations.

At the beginning of the course, Dr. Nawal Mahfouz Marei, Deputy Dean of the faculty, welcomed the forum’s representatives on behalf of the faculty dean and thanked them for their efforts in implementing this course. She also pointed out the importance of this course in providing the students with skills and knowledge that enhance their studying process.

Ms. Abha Al-Awlaqi, Head of the forum, gave an introductory speech. She also welcomed the students and expressed her thanks and appreciation to the faculty deanship for this opportunity to implement this course. In the same context, the student Samah Jabali delivered a welcoming speech.

Mr. Salah Bamhaidi, the trainer, introduced the students to mental preparations for the examinations, time management, selecting a suitable time for studying, and how to reduce examination stress.

Ms. Sarah Bajiri, Executive Director of the Community and Family Unit, also attended the course.