Dean’s Message
On behalf of myself, all members of the teaching staff and their assistants, and all employees and technicians of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences & Marine Biology (CESMB), I am delighted and honored to welcome you to the Faculty page of the university portal. It is my pleasure to provide an overview of the Faculty and I do hope that you find it enlighten and fruitful.

It is known that all communities seek highness, and since science is a fundamental base in the progress of communities, CESMB has been seeking to be a center of excellence in its specialized fields since the establishment as one of the base faculty . The Faculty includes three departments: Environmental Sciences, Marine Biology, and
Food & Fish Processing Technology. These departments have been combined into one faculty to emphasize the importance of interaction between their specialized fields, and a support to narrow the gap between the idealism of thought and the realism of application.
The student is the main focus of the educational process, and preparing him / her to face life and its challenges in the present and future time is the main goal that we seek to achieve. From this point, our Faculty seeks to achieve its mission, vision and objectives that are derived from the mission, vision and objectives of Hadhramout University. The Faculty prepares well-rounded, outstanding and experienced graduates in various fields.
The Faculty is also interested in serving its local community and various institutions, especially the institutions and sectors that are related to the fields of the Faculty , through the provision of different training programs and postgraduate programs that correspond to the requirements of the renewable labor market in order to serve the sustainable human development based on promoting the concept of the knowledge community. Besides, the Faculty builds outstanding community partnerships, taking into consideration the overall quality system and achieving academic accreditation.
That can only be achieved through modern scientific outputs and courses that correspond to successive and rapid leaps in various fields of science that are related to the specializations of the Faculty . Our Faculty is characterized by a scientifically and practically efficient, skillful distinguished teaching staff who work in team spirit and the most important characteristic of this team is the spirit of harmony, love and cooperation which makes our objectives reachable.
The Faculty grants B.Sc. of Environmental Sciences, Marine Biology as well as Food and Fish Processing Technology. It also grants M.Sc. of Marine Biology and soon in Environmental Sciences. The scientific departments of the Faculty have witnessed qualitative and quantitative leaps in terms of the availability of modern labs which are equipped with many advanced scientific equipment to serve and provide the students with the appropriate scientific output that corresponds with the labor market.
In conclusion, the Faculty remains committed to the quality of education, scientific research and community service to consolidate its established mission in preparing outstanding graduates who can contribute to the progress of the community in positive and effective ways.
Dr. Khaled Awad Al-Rabbaki
Faculty Dean